Volunteer Opportunities for Adults
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Parent Q&A
There are a number of senior programs in the area that could use a volunteer.
The City of El Cerrito runs a food program, both in house and meals delivered.
There is a Japanese based senior program, J-Sei, located in Emeryville, that prepares and delivers meals to seniors. This program is very flexible, not very stressful, and is staffed with some very nice people.
If volunteering is a possibility, check out the websites for Ashby Village and Berkeley Schools Volunteers.
Ashby Village is a peer-to-peer community that helps everyone who participates to age better. Volunteering there is like paying it forward. Imagine if you are aging in your own home and everything is fine except you need someone to change that lightbulb or drive you to a medical appointment. That sort of thing.
Berkeley Schools Volunteers does not involve childcare or teaching. They need task runners, technology helpers, data entry, etc.
Check out Volunteer Match! Lots of good opportunities that you can explore based on your partner's interests. For example, there is an urban farm that needs help! https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/org845170.jsp
If volunteer work is an option too, they might try Berkeley Food Pantry. They're open 3 days a week to the public and one day a week for deliveries. Since volunteering is during the day during the week and their operations are almost all done by volunteers, they sometimes have a hard time getting enough help. But it's important and good work, feeding several thousand people each month with fresh and shelf stable food in Berkeley and Albany. https://www.berkeleyfoodpantry.org/get-involved
Archived Q&A and Reviews
Jan 2015
Volunteer Vacations?
July 2011
I am interested in taking a Volunteer Vacation. Has anyone out there ever done one of these? I want to travel, but find that I get bored and I want to immerse myself in the colture of some hidden village in Vietnam or help students in Africa. I have 2 weeks to play with. ddbrkly
Hi, I have spent over 10 years working in international development, and I understand your desire to take a 'volunteer vacation.' You want to do some good, and get to know a place more than just 'passing through' as a tourist. However, please keep in mind that volunteers--especially extremely short-term ones--actually impose costs on the host organization. They need to train you, match your skills with what they need, possibly help you find housing, give you guidance in terms of safety and local customs, just to name a few. (The reason Peace Corps requires a two-year commitment is because research shows it takes at least a year for a volunteer to get a handle on all of these things, so it's the second year where you can actually make a positive contribution to the area.)
So does this mean don't go? Not at all. It means be aware that your presence is actually imposing a cost on the organization, so you should be willing to offset that. The most common way to do so is through an intermediary agency that, for a fee, places international volunteers with local organizations that match your interests with their needs. The intermediary organization takes on the work of making sure that what you can do (teach English? Build a shed? Work in a daycare?) matches what a local organization actually needs during the timeframe you have, and also takes on the responsibility of your orientation, training, and finding housing. Usually, half of the fee you pay goes to the intermediary organization, and half goes to the group you volunteer with. In terms of what it costs, reputable organizations charge around $1000-$1500 USD for a short-term (under four weeks) placement. For example, check out Iko Poran http://www.ikoporan.org/en, an organization based in Rio de Janeiro. There are similar agencies all around the world; a quick Google search should be sufficient to find them.
But please--do not plan to just show up someplace and 'volunteer' for free. Remember that this is for YOU far more than the organization you want to help. If you really want to make a difference overseas, either donate money or plan a long-term volunteer trip of at least a year. Again, I don't want to discourage you at all! I just want to give you some information so that you can accomplish what you want--doing some good during your trip--without putting an additional burden on the organization. Feel free to ask the moderators for my email if you'd like more information, and have a great trip!
- seen the detrimental effects of 'voluntourism' too many times
http://www.volunteertibet.org/community/dharamsala.php I did some volunteering in Dharamsala, in Northern India, for around six months. But you may be able to find an opportunity for a shorter stay. Lisa in Oakland
Volunteering during the day near downtown Berkeley
Oct 2010
I'm a housewife with a lot of time on her hands. I'd love to get involved in some charitable volunteer work during the days. Does anyone have any suggestions of any organisations that run daytime volunteer programs? Or have any experiences, positive or negative, of taking part in any voluntary schemes in Berkeley? Please note, I do not drive or have a car! A lot of voluntary programs I've been looking at do seem to require that. But I do live in Dwntn Berkeley so figure it really should not be that big a problem Would-be Do-gooder
Hi, it's great that you want to volunteer! A couple options come to mind right away: Habitot children's museum and all the great theaters in downtown Berkeley. But for a comprehensive list, check out the Volunteer Center of the East Bay http://www.helpnow.org/ you can search for opportunities within one mile of your zip code. You can also use their advanced search to specify what causes you care about: https://volunteer.truist.com/vccc/volunteer/search.aspx thanks for volunteering
The Berkeley Men's and Women's Shelters both serve meals to the homeless daily, and they need teams to volunteer to do that. I a part of a team that serves dinner once a month; you could ask if there is any need and either form a team or see if you can join one. That's just an occasional opportunity, but I'm sure many other people will come with great suggestions. It is so good of you to offer! volunteering
The Berkeley Public Library (the main branch of which is conveniently located right in downtown Berkeley) can always use volunteers! Library volunteer
If you live in downtown Berkeley,it would be great if you could volunteer at Washington Elementary School; a great public school on ML King Street, just west of the High School 9and my kids don't even go there!). Most public elementary schools would welcome adults who would like to help kids with their reading or math one-on-one during school hours. You would likely need to do the district's brief volunteer training an pay a modest fee to have your finger prints taken and checked for history of criminal activity. The volunteer coordinator at Washington Elementary or at the Berkeley Unified School District, itself, could tell you what is involved. It is GREAT to volunteer with kids that need a little extra attention with academics from a caring patient adult. And what a boost you get when yo see their work improve, in part because of what YOU did. I highly recommend it, as I get a lot out of volunteering at Berkeley Public Schools, myself. check out this site http://www.bpef-online.org/volunteer/volunteers/become-a-volunteer/ AND call Washington Elementary School directly at Phone: (510) 644-6310 and ask who you can talk to about volunteering. Here is their PTA website: http://washington.berkeleypta.org/ BUSD Mom
Please go to your nearest public school and volunteer your services. When I had day time hours free I volunteered in the library, helped kids with reading and math (the teacher would have them come sit with me in a separate room or at a desk off to the side of the classroom), helped accompany field trips, even helped take kindergardeners to swim lessons at the Y. I know Oxford school is often asking for volunteers to help with the school garden as they can't afford a full time person. BHS is worried about losing their full time tech person for the Community Theater. Lots of opportunities. cocosar
Here's one I've seen signs for that would be during the day and in your area (at Berkeley High): Writer Coach Connection trains community volunteers to provide one-on-one coaching support to students on their writing assignments. BHS English and history teachers schedule meetings with WCC writing coaches in from H102 during the school day and at lunch. In addition to classroom support, coaching is available to all BHS students on an appointment or drop-in basis during the lunchtime ''Writer's CafÈ'' in H102. The CafÈ offers snacks and drinks, and CafÈ regulars often enjoy working with the same coach to successfully complete writing assignments. Email contact is writercoachconnect [at] yahoo.com
If you like working with or at least around kids, volunteer at a public school! Our school is within walking distance of downtown Berkeley, and we always need extra adults to help with projects, whether it's paperwork in the office, being a reading coach for a kid who needs extra help, or volunteering in the library, helping to catalog and organize books. Alternately, if you prefer animals, call the local shelter and ask if you can help. Go read books to the elderly, if that's your comfort zone... Someone really needs you out there...go find them! Thanks for volunteering! Berkeley mom of 3
We are looking for volunteers for our child watch program at the Downtown Berkeley Y. We take care of kids while their parents get some exercise. You will be helping parents to be healthy and have less stress. The kids range from 2 months old through age 7. You may bring one child with you while you volunteer, and you do get to stay and exercise, too. We also have other volunteer opportunities at our Y and we are half a block from BART and close to many busses. Trudi P
I would try Volunteer Center of the East Bay. Their website provides much detail about hundreds of organizations around the East Bay. There is also Volunteer Match, but don't know as much about them. Good Luck...... anon
That is so awesome that you are reaching out to volunteer! Thank you! There are tons of volunteer opportunities at Longfellow Middle School, which both of my children attend. I can hook you up with the volunteer coordinator and I am sure she can find you any number of interesting, fun and valuable ways in which you can help. Anushka
Seeking volunteer opportunities with Preemies
Oct 2010
My son was born very prematurely last year in Boston. He's thriving now, and a lot of the credit goes to the wonderful care and services he received. The volunteers especially were amazing! We were gifted with tiny hand-made quits and knitted caps, support groups, all kinds of referrals, and even crib-side 'cuddlers' when we couldn't be at the hospital with our son. Now that my family is getting into something of a normal groove, I'd like to volunteer with a group that serves preemies and/or their families. We just moved to the East Bay, so I'm completely unfamiliar with the hospitals and volunteer organizations out here. Any recommendations would be warmly appreciated. Thanks, Janet
Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland http://www.childrenshospitaloakland.org/join/join_volunteer.asp anon
Volunteering ideas for writer
Aug 2009
I'd like to devote about a half day per week to volunteering. I work as a freelance copy editor and writer and would be happy to share these skills with a nonprofit. Ideally, I'd like to help an organization that focuses on women's issues. I'm not interested in doing any tutoring. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks for your ideas. Rachel
My sister, also a writer and copywriter, has been volunteering at the Women's Initiative for Self-Employment and really feels that her skills are helping other women. The Women's Initiative trains low-income women to start their own business...they often need help writing business plans and/or marketing materials, etc. Check them out at http://www.womensinitiative.org. Andrea
Did someone already mention the Writer-Coach Connection? They have a website at www.writercoachconnection.org/. It's a kick to meet these middle and high school kids and work with them to become better writers. It really makes you think about the fundamentals of what makes good writing. Plus the kids are great, and really need the help. Fiona H
There's a terrific organization based in San Francisco, Taproot Foundation, which provides consulting services (read: professional resources rather than $) to local nonprofits. The organizations benefit from the expertise of accomplished professionals -- marketers, software developers, project managers, graphic designers, copy editors/writers, etc. -- who work on high profile projects. Projects range from branding to database development to marketing communications/collateral development to Web site design and development and more. Volunteers can designate the types of organizations or causes of greatest interest, and then commit 6 hours per week once they join a project team. The work is largely virtual with a rare on-site meeting with the nonprofit clients. I've been a volunteer Account Director for a few years and am continually impressed by the organization, the volunteer talent, and the organizations we assist. Worth a look -- www.taprootfoundation.org. Good luck! Stephanie
Your local public schools could really use your help! Even if you don't call yourself a writer (or a teacher!): http://www.writercoachconnection.org/ Carrie
Volunteering with special needs kids
May 2009
I'm interested in working with special needs children as a volunteer. Does anyone know where I can volunteer once or twice a month? I'd also be interested in working with children with medical needs. I've tried Oakland Children's but their volunteer program seems like it's more of a time committment which I am not able to right now.
There is an amazing special needs group down in Milpitas that I have some experience with. It's called Jeena (www.jeena.org) and it was specifically created for South Asian kids and their families, but everybody is welcome. Oakland mom
Looking to Volunteer Locally
March 2009
I'd like to do some volunteering work around Berkeley or Albany, preferably with an organization that addresses environmental or social issues (I know that's broad). I don't have time to do office-type work during typical business hours, but I am able to do things after hours at home (i.e., proofreading/editing, writing, researching). Does anyone have any suggestions for a local organization that might need this type of assistance? If it matters, I'm a professional and have a J.D. degree. Anon
Yes, I have a suggestion for you: The Downtown Berkeley YMCA. We are the largest social service organization in Berkeley serving close to 17,000 people (when you include all the children in swim and sports classes.) Our members come from every ethnicity, age group, physical ability classification and social strata. A key principal we operate under is that no one is turned away based on their ability to pay, consequently a large number of our members pay lower monthly fees to be able to access our programs and improve their health, and their families' health. We are in the first stage of reforming our Membership and Marketing Committee and I'd love to talk to you about how you might be able to help us. Jenny W
Berkeley Art Center in Live Oak Park (off Walnut) is an amazing, under-recognized small charming facility, showing rotating art exhibitions, performances, and literary events. It has a new website: www.berkeleyartcenter.org and operates on a very small budget with some city funding. They always need all kinds of volunteers, for special events, database management, clean-up, installation, publicity distribution, etc. I highly recommend you check it out. They do also have a ''wish list'' of items for contribution, and will be posting it on their website soon, and/or it's available in their offices. Hours are W-Su, 12-5, but I think they're going to be open one evening until 7 to coincide with the farmer's market on Thursdays. Go visit them! hianhui
Looking for opportunities with teen parents
Nov 2008
I am a Certified Educator of Infant Massage and am interested in volunteering my time to work with teenage parents or low-income families who might not be able to afford to pay for the classes. Does anyone know a community organization or other such group I might contact? I would also need a space to use, as I would not be able to afford to do the classes for free at the space I traditionally use for my classes, due to the cost of rent. Thank you for your help!
there is a residential program for young, single mothers in oakland called casa vicentia. seems like a great place to share your skills. call 510-729-0316. haia
Try the infant parent program at children's hospital http://www.childrenshospitaloakland.org/healthcare/depts/pip_overview.asp
Volunteering for baby cuddling
April 2006
Hi there - I was recently thinking how much I would like to volunteer time to hold babies that need the attention in hospitals, orphanages etc. I did some web searches and there is such a thing as Baby Cuddlers. There is a program in SF Childrens' Hospital. Does anyone know of similar programs out here in the East Bay? Thanks. Wanting to cuddle
oh my, your services are likely welcome at many inpatient hospital settings! the babies benefit and the nursing staff (pediatric nurse I am) appreciates your assistance soothing their patients as well. call children's hospital and kaiser hospital, both of which are in oakland. think bigger hospitals with an inpatient icu. good luck. volunteers make the world go round
A friend of mine does this one half-day a week at Highland Hospital. I think it requires some committment of time. JM
The Oakland Children's Hospital has one of these programs. At least they used to. But the waiting list is very long. Unfortunately, I think that is true of most facilities, as you can imagine this is a popular volunteering program. anon
I know that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Alta Bates sometimes has volunteers who come in and hold the babies, give bottles, etc. During the month that my twins were there, I didn't actually see very many volunteers though. I think they could use more!
This is a great thing to do. I volunteered at Children's Hospital in Oakland about 11 years ago in their intensive care nursery and also on the regular unit. In the intensive care nursery I held babies that really needed it. (Of course they all needed it.) Some of them were born drug addicted or had other problems. It was such a rewarding experience. Sometimes I was with older kids, but I believe you can state your preference to be with babies, or to be in the intensive care nursery or not. They have a training for new volunteers. Call them up and ask for the Volunteer Coordinator. Good for you for giving your time in this most important way. loved being with the babies who needed holding
I know Children's Hospital in Oakland has some people who do this - when my 5-week-old son was there last fall, it was so sweet to come back from a much-needed but guilt-inducing break and have a nice little old lady tell me she'd been holding my baby while I was gone. I think they may want you to start out volunteering in other ways and work your way up to baby- cuddling, but give them a call and see. The Volunteers Office number is (510) 428-3471. JP
Want to use my skills for volunteering
Jan 2004
I would like to do some volunteer work in some areas of skill that I have. Namely, I am a certified Aesthetician and would like to get involved in helping disadvantaged women who are getting back into the workforce with makeup/skin care lessons. Also, I love to read (used to do summer Shakespeare Rep) and would like to do reading for the blind or visually impaired. San Francisco has an organization called the Lighthouse, however, they currently do not need any volunteers. Does anyone have any suggestions on what organizations I might contact with my skills? florinda
I just found a fabulous resource for anyone who wants to do some volunteer work, but is not sure how to go about it. Its called Community Impact, at www.communityimpact.org
CI coordinates fun and well-organized volunteer opportunities for non-profits throughout the Bay Area. You can sign up for any of the dozens of interesting volunteer events on their website, such as arts & crafts with disabled kids, reading and handing out books at literacy events, helping serve meals to the homeless, tutoring at disadvantaged elementary schools, restoring parklands, as well as behind the scenes stuff like putting up flyers, assembling mailings and organizing offices. You can volunteer as much or as little as you like, and there are usually opportunities every night of the week as well as mutiple weekend projects. If you want to do something for the community, but don't feel like you can make a regular committment, this is a great way to do somthing fun and flexible. Tara
Volunteering for an organization that helps children
Sept 2003
Has anyone volunteered for or do you know of (and can you recommend) an organization that benefits children? I really want to volunteer some time for kids, especially for an organization that prevents/deals with child abuse. I have a toddler and plan another baby in a year or so, so can only volunteer for a few hours per week for now. Any recommendations? Thank You! Jamie
You might want to check out communityimpact.org, a great resource for one-time volunteer projects. Signing up for a project through Community Impact is a good way to find out if you like the type of work and organization before making a longer-term commitment. I just checked their website and they have lots of kid-related projects going all over the Bay Area. Good luck! Annelisa
I highly recommend that you check out Parental Stress Service in Oakland, they are a child abuse prevention agency that focuses on teaching positive parenting skills. They have a hotline and are in need of volunteers-- no previous experience necessary. You can check out their website at www.psshelps.org, the volunteer info is under ''giving'', or contact Debora Roca at (510) 893-9203 ext. 321 for more info. Kate
I am planning to volunteer too! I just heard on the radio that if you don't know what to do and can't commit many hours, you can call or look up East Bay Volunteers (I think that's the name). They will give you a list of activities and dates and you can choose what you want to do, even if it's just for one day. I heard this on the radio the other day. I hope I've given you the right information. (If you do get in touch with them, maybe you could post the info for other people like me?)
Try volunteeronline.org. I found TWO volunteer gigs and I only had two 3 1/2 hour slots available each week while my toddler's in preschool. I did a search by just typing ''Oakland'' and 800 listings popped up. I narrowed that down to things that caught my eye and started making calls. In total, the search took about an hour, the calls a little less, and after three meetings I selected the orgs that had the most need for the skills I was offering. Go for it!
Oct 2001
I recently became aware of a web site called volunteermatch.org. Its purpose is to match volunteers with volunteer opportunities based on your geographic location. You type in your zip code and choose the type of volunteer work that interests you (Animals, Children, Women, etc.) and it will show you the opportunities available. You can also register your group if you are in need of volunteers. This site has won two 2001 Webby Awards for Best Activism Site and Best Services Site. Most of the links that you will see may not be appropriate for a teenager, but some will. Good luck! Janet
You can contact Berkeley Reads through the Berkeley Public Library, if you are interested in being an adult literacy tutor. They serve a variety of adult learners, including vulnerable populations like the ones you mentioned, and you can volunteer just 1-2 hours per week. It sounds like a meaningful way to directly empower members of our community! You can call the Berkeley Public Livrary West Branch and get connected to Berkeley Reads that way, to see if they are accepting new volunteer applications at this time.
Oh my gosh you are NOT alone! Same here! You post reminded me of someplace your particular skills could help. It's not El Cerrito, but The Order of Malta Clinic in Oakland provides free medical and dental care to our uninsured neighbors, ALL of them regardless of income, religion, etc. They are always looking for volunteers with healthcare experience who speak (some) Spanish. https://www.orderofmaltaclinic.com/volunteer
Check this resource out and see what appeals to you. I am a busy parent but I volunteer a bunch because it makes me sane. There are so many organizations that would love to have you. I can personally recommend Berkeley Food Network (you can sign up for shifts as you have time), Milo Foundation (you can even walk dogs with your kiddos along), Meals on Wheels, BACS (Berkeley Animal Care Services--city shelter entirely volunteer run), Mercy Brown Bag Program, BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self Sustainability), and the Multicultural Institute (serves and supports day laborers--love this place). You can take your kids out and pick up trash anywhere--we like to go to the bulb or around shorebird park/brickyard cove (w kids latex gloves). You are an amazing model for your kids. I promise that even though you are super busy, finding a meaningful volunteer project will fill your heart--with both gratitude and agency. Good luck.