Berkeley Public Library

Community Subscriber

Children's Services in Berkeley Public Library:

  • books
  • reference help
  • special events
  • story times
  • readers advisory

Parent Q&A

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  • Hello! I am interested in joining a playgroup/story time/music class etc with my 9 month old, but seems like everything is only during the week, which is not an option for me given my work schedule. Any parents find any good options for weekend activities? (North Berkeley - Albany - El Cerrito). Thanks! 

    The Berkeley Library WEST offers a Baby Story Time on Saturday mornings (30 min reading, 30 min playing). It's really fun! The downtown library also has a Saturday morning story time for older kids (but you can come with your baby). I think the La Pena Cultural Center  offers a bilingual story time on Sundays, but I am not 100% sure. And Rain or Shine often does some special event on Weekend mornings (magician, animals, etc.). Books Inc in North Berkeley does a Sunday story time for older children. Hope this helps.

Parent Reviews

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You can contact Berkeley Reads through the Berkeley Public Library, if you are interested in being an adult literacy tutor. They serve a variety of adult learners, including vulnerable populations like the ones you mentioned, and you can volunteer just 1-2 hours per week. It sounds like a meaningful way to directly empower members of our community! You can call the Berkeley Public Livrary West Branch and get connected to Berkeley Reads that way, to see if they are accepting new volunteer applications at this time.

I was in the same boat as you. Music Together on Saturday mornings is great, excellent for a 7 month old. The downtown Berkeley public library often has Saturday a.m. readings and other activities. As your child becomes a toddler, gymnastics at Golden Bear Re on the Cal campus. Have fun!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Sept 2010

RE: Rosetta Stone - have you used it?

Here's the unbelievably wonderful news for language learners: as members of the Berkeley Public Library, you have FREE access to most languages courses taught by Rosetta Stone, but only till July 31, 2008. Go to the Berkeley Public Library website and Select ''Online resources'', and see ''Language Learning''. Another reason to love our wonderful city -the Berkeley Public Library takes such terrific care of us!! Kate S

To those interested in language learning with Rosetta Stone: sadly the Berkeley Public Library will no longer provide access to this after June 30th, because the Rosetta Stone company will no longer sell to libraries. Also, the website for your other BPL needs is a librarian

Aug 2006

RE: Interested in Rosetta Stone - have you tried it?

If you're a Berkeley Public Library cardholder, you can access Rosetta Stone Software online, for free! As I recall it's not immediately obvious, but it's under online resources, or electronic resources. There are lots of other cool things that the library is licensed to provide access to for cardholders, like full text article retrieval from many publications, so it's fun to browse while you're looking for language learning resources. I haven't used the system myself, but as you've discovered Rosetta Stone is highly regarded as a self study method (and very pricey to boot). Good luck in your quest! Public Library Enthusiast

April 2003

RE: Want to donate a few crates of books

I recommend the Friends of the Berkeley Library -- , located underneath the Sather Gate garage southside of campus. You can bring in your donation any time it's open, and they'll validate your parking. Just park in the garage, take the elevator down, and you're right there. They'll give you a tax receipt, too. I just donated three bags of books (making room for babies!), and they are very grateful and nice there. Wendy

Try the Berkeley Public Library's Friends of the Library shop-- they are located on the ground floor of the Channing Street garage. Also, a fabulous place to buy LOTS of inexpensive and wonderful books! Saskia

We donated some books to the Berkeley Public Library. I believe the group Friends of the Library maintains a little store to the right when you enter the front door.  Moe's book shop on Telegraph also collects books that go to prison libraries. Susan P

You might consider giving them to your local library. I know the BPL has a regular book sale, at which they sell used and deaccessioned books as part of their fundraising. Oakland PL may do the same. Wendy

Sept 1997

RE: Weekend program at local library?

The Berkeley Public Library/Central branch in downtown Berkeley has a "Family Storytime" on Saturday mornings from 10:30-11:00. It mostly runs year round, but they didn't have them during September. They are supposed to start up again on Oct. 4th. They advertise it for 3 yr olds and up, but I've been bringing my 2-1/2 yr old for years with her older sister. The librarians alternate and some are better than others. Sue

Berkeley Public Library has lots of toddler storytimes. The Central branch (in temporary quarters at 2121 Allston) has a Baby Bounce (for 6 mos.- 3 yrs. and caregivers) on Mondays at 10:30. Most (maybe all?) the branches have similar programs. You can call for more information, or see Greg