Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Parent Q&A
You didn't mention their gender but if your child is female - I can highly recommend Allison Altman https://annaglezermd.com/our-clinicians. I have worked with a number of clinicians at Women's Wellness Psychiatry including taking Allison's online DBT classes and they have been extremely helpful. Allison has a really good approach - she simultaneously encourages growth/change and is highly empathetic to the struggle.
I'm sorry your son is suffering. I've researched the same for my young-adult child who attends college out-of-state. Therapists are licensed by state, and the patient/client must be physically present in the state that the therapists is licensed to practice in during the treatment sessions. If your child works with a therapist located in the Bay Area, the therapist will also need to be licensed in the state where your child attends college. Also, full DBT is a highly structured therapeutic program that has individual and group components (as well as 24/7 phone support for the client and team support for the care provider) over a six-month to one-year time frame. It is the gold standard for certain conditions, and clients are thoroughly screened before entering a DBT program. Some DBT therapists will treat clients individually from a DBT perspective, but that is not the same as DBT treatment. The term "DBT" is being used a lot in ways not intended by the creator of the treatment. Carefully vet the credentials of any therapist that says they provide DBT. Here is a link to the training organization affiliated with Marsha Linehan, the creator of DBT.
I've heard that changes may be coming to the way therapists can be licensed so that they can provide services to clients in a wider geographical range, but no specifics yet.
My teen sees Brianna Aitkenhead. She used to be at DBT Center of Marin. She is very knowledgeable and kind. She is physically located in Marin but does virtual appointments. I am not sure if she has any openings but if not she may be able to make other recommendations.
It sounds like you might benefit from a DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) program. This is a structured course with skills training and then processing work. There are a number of groups in the area. One is DBT Center of Marin (https://dbtmarin.com/), but there are others. It's a time investment, but it involves actual WORK on your part, and it has clinical studies to show that it works. Good luck.
I'm sorry that you've had such a hard time getting effective support despite your best efforts. Unfortunately, I don't have a specific practitioner to recommend that's taking new clients at this time. But, I would encourage you to look for someone well trained in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectic behavioral therapy (DBT). DBT can be considered a ramped up version of CBT. These are the gold standard treatment approaches for significant mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction, etc. Both are evidenced-based treatments based on behavioral science.
CBT and DBT have been a game changer for my young-adult children and me after years of ineffective talk and relational therapy.
Try Dialectic Behavior Therapy classes/programs. The ones I know last about 6 months and involve both parent(s) and child. Clearwater (private) and Kaiser Richmond both have DBT programs for teens. I am a Kaiser patient, but went with my kid to Clearwater because driving to Richmond at night (that's when the program takes place) would be difficult for us.
Archived Q&A and Reviews
May 2007
Can anyone recommend or know about a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)-trained therapy practice in the East Bay, preferably Berkeley/Albany area? Searching
I know a wonderful therapist who practices in Albany on Solano Ave. and specializes in DBT. She is warm, sensitive and intelligent and has many years of experience. She works with individuals using DBT. Her name is Marianne Davis, MFT and her phone number is 510-928-2455. Barbara
DBT Sorry I don't know anyone in the East Bay, however, UCSF has A DBT clinic for adolescents. There may be referrals if you call there as they train therapists in addition to the clinic practice (i understand the clinic is always waitlisted, and the therapists rotate) pp
My teen sees a DBT therapist in Marin. She is excellent and was formerly at DBT center of Marin. I would contact them to see if they can recommend a DBT therapist in the East Bay. Additionally I believe that the Wright Institute does some DBT therapy but that is likely with an Intern. Again they may have some referrals in the community. No matter who you find there will likely be a waitlist as therapists and especially DBT therapists are in short supply.
First, that's hard, I'm sorry to hear that. You may want to consider a full psych eval if you can either afford one or find a low-fee service provider. The Wright Institute did them at one point. The DBT Center of Marin is not sliding scale and is expensive, but they have teen groups and individual services. https://www.marinhhs.org/community-resource-guide/dbt-center-marin-0
Good luck!
Wisemind in Berkeley is all DBT focused.