CBT/DBT therapist for teen girl?

Does anyone have any current recommendations for local therapists (Albany, Berkeley, North Oakland) who specialize in CBT or DBT and work extensively with teen clients.  My high school girl is high functioning but the stress of school, academically and socially is getting to her.  And I see signs of anxiety and phobia.  Thank you for any recommendations!

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My teen sees a DBT therapist in Marin. She is excellent and was formerly at DBT center of Marin. I would contact them to see if they can recommend a DBT therapist in the East Bay. Additionally I believe that the Wright Institute does some DBT therapy but that is likely with an Intern. Again they may have some referrals in the community. No matter who you find there will likely be a waitlist as therapists and especially DBT therapists are in short supply. 

First, that's hard, I'm sorry to hear that. You may want to consider a full psych eval if you can either afford one or find a low-fee service provider. The Wright Institute did them at one point. The DBT Center of Marin is not sliding scale and is expensive, but they have teen groups and individual services. https://www.marinhhs.org/community-resource-guide/dbt-center-marin-0

Good luck!

Wisemind in Berkeley is all DBT focused.