Otolaryngologists (Ear Nose & Throat)

Parent Q&A

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  • Doctor for Tinnitus

    Jun 28, 2024

    I need an ENT/Otolaryngologist who really, really "gets" tinnitus. Someone knowledgeable about treatments awaiting FDA approval. My former ENT took over two years for a diagnosis and ultimately told me I have Meniere's Disease (I had one occurrence of one symptom 18 months ago) and suggested I stop drinking coffee.  The tinnitus is intermittent (and I am lucky in that). My most aggravating symptom is aural fullness; right now I can barely hear out of my affected ear. I understand that there is no cure for tinnitus yet; there is something promising in the pipeline, however.  Prefer East Bay or San Francisco physician, but I will travel for the right practitioner. (Feel free to message me directly.)

    I do not have an ENT/Otolaryngologist for you. I do want to share what was helpful for me when I experienced long-term, persistent, debilitating, and highly distracting tinnitus as part of post-concussive symptoms after a significant car accident. After researching alternative therapies, I asked my primary care doctor for a referral to acupuncture. I had never had acupuncture before and am not comfortable with needles. 

    Daniel Wy Jiao at the Sutter Health clinic in San Mateo provided four weekly treatments. He was skeptical that he could help, yet I felt relief after the first session. I don't remember how long the relief lasted, but with each treatment, the relief lasted a little longer. Eventually I was able to drive with relative safety again, which was a great relief.

    My understanding from the audiologist that treated me is that tinnitus is more of a brain/perception issue than a mechanical/physical issue. So, concurrently with acupuncture, I shifted my yoga practice to focus on soothing the parasympathetic nervous system. The tinnitus affected my balance and other post-concussive symptoms affected my ability to do any physical activity, yet I was able to practice parasympathetic nervous system focused yoga starting very slowly (5-10 min, 2/day). I'm an experienced yoga practitioner, so was able to find appropriate support through glo.com. Soothing my parasympathetic nervous system with yoga and whatever the acupuncture did were effective for me. It took a while (year+), but the tinnitus eventually resolved. I've now gone a couple of years without a recurrence.


    My husband suffers from Meniere's Disease and is being treated by Dr. Charles Limb at UCSF. I just sent you a direct message about our journey, but then I decided I should have posted publicly in case others are experiencing similar symptoms. 

    Tinnitus, aural fullness and hearing loss are all symptoms of Meniere's Disease. The 4th and most debilitating symptom is severe vertigo but that can be very sporadic with long periods of remission in between episodes, especially in the early stages of the disease. 

    So technically, you do have at least 3 of the symptoms of Meniere's Disease --though I really hope you don't have it because it's a wretched disease! 

    I would definitely see a specialist to find out more about your condition and possible treatments like steroid injections and restricting sodium, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Decreasing sodium is critical and really helped my husband control his symptoms in the early stages of the disease. 

    Here's a description of MD from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD),  https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/menieres-disease:

    "Ménière’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes severe dizziness (vertigo), ringing in the ears (tinnitus), hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness or congestion in the ear. Ménière’s disease usually affects only one ear.

    Attacks of dizziness may come on suddenly or after a short period of tinnitus or muffled hearing. Some people will have single attacks of dizziness separated by long periods of time. Others may experience many attacks closer together over a number of days. Some people with Ménière’s disease have vertigo so extreme that they lose their balance and fall. These episodes are called “drop attacks.”

    Ménière’s disease can develop at any age, but it is more likely to happen to adults between 40 and 60 years of age. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that approximately 615,000 individuals in the United States are currently diagnosed with Ménière’s disease and that 45,500 cases are newly diagnosed each year."

    Good luck!


    One suggestion would be to find a doctor who is familiar with research on devices like Lenire. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-13875-x

  • ENT for possible tinnitus

    Oct 18, 2023

    I want to get a second opinion on a recent diagnosis by my current ENT.  At my last appointment, a year and a half after I first saw her, current ENT offered a rather depressing diagnosis (which doesn't seem to fit my symptoms) and also confused me with a different patient, which didn't leave me with a lot of confidence in the diagnosis. I really want an ENT with excellent diagnostic skills, someone who is willing to consider that the sound of hooves behind them might not be a horse and instead IS a zebra.  I am not a Kaiser member.

    I'm so sorry you are experiencing what may be tinnitus. I'm going to respond with information different than what you asked for, and what was helpful for me when I had significant tinnitus resulting from a serious car accident. The ENT I saw, whom I trusted, said they don't really know what causes tinnitus and that it is likely an issue with the parasympathetic nervous system—once triggered, they don't really know how to calm it. My ENT is in Palo Alto. If that location is of interest to you, feel free to reach out to me privately.

    Here's what worked for me: yoga sequences specifically designed to calm the parasympathetic nervous system (search glo.com) and four session of acupuncture (calmed both the tinnitus and chronic dizziness of post-concussive syndrome). Over time, the tinnitus went away. When it flares a bit now and then, I go back to daily or twice daily short yoga sequences designed to calm the parasympathetic nervous system until it calms.

    Tinnitus can be quite distressing. I wish you relief soon.

    We’ve had a hard time finding a good ENT in the SF Bayarea.  ENT’s tend to sub-specialize which means not all ENT diagnosis are covered by all ENT doctors- especially tinnitus.  I wish I could be more encouraging!  I would find an organization specializing in tinnitus and they may be able to recommend a doctor.  Also- the person who helps you may not be a doctor- maybe an audiologist or some other avenue.  Berard AIT sound retraining has helped some conditions like this- it can be costly though.  Best wishes.  

    Highly recommend Jacob Johnson, MD at San Francisco Otolaryngology in San Francisco.  I have seen him for years and he is the smartest, most compassionate and communicative ENT I've found in the bay area (and I've tried many!). He's also affiliated with an audiology practice and throught that practice he can refer you to an audiologist specialising tinnitus, as well as PTs who specialize in balance issues, and so forth. Tinnitus is not always curable but there are ways to deal with it and Dr. Johnson's office is a great place to start.

  • Would love to hear from anyone that might have experience with parotidectomy surgery in the Bay Area. I have a likely benign tumor on my right parotid gland and was recommended to have it removed. I have consulted with surgeons at both Sutter Health and UCSF but have reservations about the traditional parotidectomy (mostly the large incision down my face and neck!) and am also conflicted about where to get the surgery done.

    If anyone has had a parotidectomy, I would love to hear about your experience and also any recommendations on surgeons. There is a very expensive surgeon down in LA that specializes in a “micro-parotidectomy” which avoids the large incision, so I am also curious if anyone has feedback on Dr. Babak Larian, who specializes in this new procedure.

    Any comments appreciated, as I need to make a decision but am very nervous about the surgery. Thank you!

    Hello - I'm sorry I don't have recommendations on surgeons but I did want to offer support and a suggestion. I had this surgery more than 40 years ago (!) at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC.  My tumor was benign, as it appears yours will likely be as well.  The incision is initially intense but I can tell you that 1) your hair will cover any scar on your face, and 2) the scar on your neck with fade over time and yes, there will come a time when no one, including you, will notice it.  A suggestion: ask about any possibility of scar tissue.  I had a second surgery to remove scar tissue at the site (which I originally thought was a new tumor).  All went well, but it's a good question to ask up front, especially in the case of someone doing a new type of procedure.  Good luck -- you'll get through this.  

  • My fifteen year old has been diagnosed with a 'vocal chord disorder'.  Her breathing is very difficult when exercising and she plays sports.  Has anyone had experiences with treatment that they have found helpful?  An ENT that you found helpful?   Can you recommend a specialist at Kaiser in the east bay?  We have been untangling this knot for a long time and I would love a direct line! 

    The current recommendation is to go to a speech pathologist and a respiratory therapist. If anyone has had experience with this route at Kaiser east bay I would really appreciate any information you can share.

    It's definitely not asthma so please no asthma advice.

    My daughter has this, and we saw someone at Kaiser. Unfortunately, I do not remember the doctor's name, but they were helpful. My understanding is that this can happen, especially to high functioning kids who put a lot of pressure on themselves to succeed; the vocal chords close up and it feels like you can't breathe even though you can. For my daughter, meditation and mindfulness has helped. Also, when it happens, she takes a 5 minute break to relax her vocal chords, drink some water, and step back from the situation. She'll say it's asthma, because it's easier to explain to others than the vocal chord disorder, but taking a moment with focused breathing helps her tremendously. She also started singing in her school's choir which I think also helped. Good luck!

My husband sees Dr. Christina Corey at berkeley head and neck. He's had markedly bad sinusitis the last 3 years that has make him snore and sound like he has a cold all the time. She has him on a regimen of medication and nasal flushes, that has improved things by ~ 60%, which is a lot farther than he was getting on his own. We recently got 2 air purifiers (one for bedroom) and that probably got him about 10-15% better, which was pretty amazing. We are also changing our pillows soon to and help too. So he's not totally his normal self, but his 'new normal' is pretty good. Hope this helps!!!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

ENT recommendation? Or, reviews of Dr. Drury?

June 2011

I have a chronic sinus infection with recurrent tonsilitis. Alternative therapies are not clearing up the problem. I am looking at a tonsilectomy or more. Does anyone know anything about Dr. Drury?

I love dr drury!!!! He has the best bedside manners,is extremely considered and tries many alternatives before surgery. I had surgery with him and felt I was In super good hands. His office (admin staff ) was not so good in the past but I think they made some Changes which showed when I saw him one year ago. Good luck! Stefanie

I love Dr. Drury! He has a great bedside manner and I find him to be caring, polite, positive, supportive, kind and very concerned about pain and discomfort. In April he roto-rooted my sinuses (my sinus life is so much better), reduced turbinates and repaired my deviated septum. It all went perfectly and I have had no complications. He let me make the choice about the surgery, no pressure, and recommended at tonsillectomy for the end of the summer after all is healed. The Summit ENT office does run a little on the late side. I think its because Drury spends time with his patients, talks with them, and answers questions. Good Luck!

Dr. William Lewis at Summit ENT is the greatest. He treated my daughter over a 5 year period and through several surgeries. Brilliant and warm surgeon. Treats adults and peds. lac

I cannot speak to Dr. Drury, but I will say that I was in your shoes a while back having had nonstop sinus etc. infections for many months. Getting my tonsils out gave me back my health and changed my life. I would caution though that, as an adult, the recovery is much longer than it is for kids. I don't think I ate for over a week and my doctor told me no heavy exercise for several months. Here's hoping you feel better. Good luck! Tonsil free and well worth it

Dr. Drury was my ENT for recurrent sinus infections about 6 years ago. I was incredibly happy with my care from him. Ultimately I needed sinus surgery and everyone I ran into in the hospital said, that's the guy you want. He's very nice and personable and seems to really care about his patients. That being said, he was never, I repeat, never on time. I don't know if that has changed. But there were times I waited over 2 hours for my appointment, my scheduled-in-advance appointment, not a ''can you fit me in'' kind. I was told that's because he is so nice and tries to help out where he can. So, I can't say enough good things about him and his care of me, but the triple booking of appointments, is not really to my taste. You may be able to call the office and see if this has been reformed - my OB started running on time so I know it can happen. Otherwise, be prepared to wait for good care.

If you want to travel, I also saw Karen Fong out in Walnut Creek for a sinus problem last year. No incredible wait there, but she's crazy pricey so if your insurance doesn't cover it, don't go there.

Good luck, I hope you're on the road to feeling better. Claire

I have heard that Dr. Drury is a good doctor, but after sitting 2 hours in his waiting room, I didn't care to find out. The whole time I waited, not one person in the overcrowded room was seen. When I complained to the front desk, I was told that ''Dr. Drury's time is very important'', as if his patients' time didn't matter at all. My time is important, too!

We have been seeing Dr. Drury for about 18 years on and off, since my daughter was a baby with severe ear infections. She had two sets of tubes done by Dr. Drury at both 1 and 2 years of age. I know the treatment of severe ear infections is a bit different today, but he was wonderful with my daughter and us as concerned parents. I also have been treated by Dr. Drury for vocal cord polyps that required surgery to remove. I had tried many alternatives, including acupuncture, and he was supportive of this. In the end, the surgery went amazingly smooth, though I was not supposed to talk for one week and off work for two. I never even took advil after the surgery. One caveat....the office always runs behind so bring a good book! Melissa

Bernie Drury is excellent--excellent surgeon, excellent diagnostician. I cannot abide his front office staff--generally rude or indifferent. Expect a wait of up to two hours.

I wish more people would tell Dr. Drury what their experience of his office is. I don't know that it would make a difference, but it might be worth trying because he is so very fine a doctor and person, and there is no way that that front office reflects him. Anon

Gordon Epstein (ENT) at PAMF for sleep apnea

May 2011

My husband's PCP has referred him to Gordon H. Epstein at PAMF regarding snoring and daytime sleepiness. Has anyone seen Dr.Epstein regarding sleep apnea ? Anon

If you have sleep apnea, would recommend Raphael Pelayo at Stanford Sleep Clinic in Redwood City. If you need surgery to correct your sleep apnea obstruction, you can do no better than to consult with Dr. Kasey Li, in E. Palo ALto. A PAMF dr. might be ok for garden variety type issues, but if yours is a serious surgery and if you can afford it, at least get a second opinion and see Dr Li. http://www.sleepapneasurgery.com/ anonymous

2010 - 2009 Reviews

Dr. Andrew Moyce, ENT, Summit, Oakland

Nov 2009

I would like to hear from anyone who has been treated by Dr. Moyce regarding your opinion/experience? I just had a bad experience with an ENT, and I would like to make sure I find a good fit. I am being treated for Meniere's disease. In particular, is Dr. Moyce thorough and willing to answer questions? Thanks. amy

Dr. Moyce is a very good doctor. He treated my son's ear infections and did all his ear tube surgeries. There can be a wait for him in his Oakland office (sometimes 45 minutes), but he works with another doctor who is wonderful...very personable and friendly, and who may have less of a wait. I don't remember his name but I would recommend either one of them. Jodi

I've been treated by Dr. William Lewis at the same office as Dr. Moyce, also for Meniere's. I'd recommend him -- he's conscientious and caring. In addition, he did some training with my ENT on the east coast, who was the best ENT I have ever consulted for Meniere's. Email me if you'd like to discuss further. peter

I saw Dr. Moyce in 2001 to have nasal polyps removed. And my nasal passages are still clear today. I have the highest regard for Dr. Moyce. In the past few years I have had follow-up visits with him, and he patiently listened and answered all my questions. Good luck. Anon

2008 - 2007 Reviews

Surgeon for my husband's malignant sinus tumor

May 2008

Can anyone recommend an excellent surgeon for my husband's malignant sinus tumor? He was just diagnosed by a cosmetic surgeon and we would like to get him to a specialist. I couldn't find anything in the archives here. Jenny

Jenny, I would recommend contacting the UCSF otolaryngology department and specifically trying to see Andrew Goldberg. My partner has had three sinus surgeries (though none with tumors) and it was for her third surgery that she went to UCSF and Dr. Goldberg. (The earlier two were via ABSMC.) We consulted several ENT doctor friends around the country and they all recommended him as one of the best in the field. I would feel good about his care or who he recommended. Here is his info at UCSF. http://ohns.ucsf.edu/aboutus/profile_details.asp?ProfileId=4 It's scary stuff being the spouse of someone facing really challenging medical issues. I wish you the best and encourage you both to be aggressive in finding the best care for your husband. Good luck.

I highly reccomend Dr. Bernard Drury, ENT in Oakland on Pill Hill, (510) 465-0941. I know he has performed this surgery before. He is highly skilled and a very popular ENT- he knows his stuff, and is the nicest doctor you will meet. You may wait to get in to the office to see him, but the wait is worth it (not sure how it works with the issue of a malignant tumor). My husband had surgery with him last year and it was a very positive experience. (He went to Columbia for Med school, I have heard that he was a dual ENT/Brain Surgery Resident but quit Brain surgery as he enjoyed ENT more). Dr. Moise is also another excellent option, but his bedside mannerism is not as pleasant as Dr. Drurys. Laura

Ear Nose and Throat - Walnut Creek

Feb 2008

Looking for recommendations for a Ear Nose and Throat Specialist in Walnut Creek. Ringing ears

We have had lots of luck with the group that includes Drs. Hsieh and Scott. While we see Hsieh and like him very much, we have several friends who see Scott and are also quite pleased. They are on Ygnacio Valley Rd. near Heather Farms. Good luck! sign me No More Ringing

ENT for chronic sinus infections

March 2007

Has anyone seen either Dr. Bruce Rice or Dr. Richard Kerbavaz for ear, nose, and throat problems? I have been suffering from chronic sinus infections, and my primary care physician recommended these two doctors, but I have no other information about either of them. I also see several recommendations for Dr. Andrew Moyce dating back to 2002; can anyone report on more recent experiences with him, or on any other doctors who might be good at taking a traditional-Western-medicine approach to patching up my sinuses? Thanks, if so! Anonymous

My mother was treated by Dr. Bruce Rice and before that by his father. Bruce took over his father's practice. He is excellent. My mom had throat cancer. We could not have asked for better care. She was cancer free for 20 years before she passed away from unrelated causes. He continued to see her up to her death. Juliet

Drs. Rice and Kerbavaz are excellent. They are trusted colleagues (I also practice in Berkeley) and Dr. Rice has treated my own daughter. I recommend them both highly. Robert, retired MD

I have seen Dr. Kerbavez for chronic and acute sinus problems which triggered severe asthma attacks -- and he's helped me tremendously. He recommended that I rinse out my nose/sinuses using a Neti-Med bottle and packets of salt/sodium bicarb (like a Neti-pot, but it's a squeeze bottle that makes it easy to put saline up the nose). My allergist recommended that I add Pulmocort respule (steroid) to each bottle to curb the inflammation and this has so far prevented a recurrence. Also, he treated the infections I had with Levaquin, a powerful broad spectrum antibiotic, and he recommended I keep some on hand and start it immediately if my nasal discharge turns thick and yellow or green. Levaquin is what my pulmonary doc uses when my lungs get infected -- and this works well for me.

I don't know Dr.Rice at all, only Dr. Kerbavez. I know Dr. K. both as a colleague and as a patient of his and he is, to me, the gold standard of physicians - they don't get any better than him. He also has voicemail, so you can leave him a message and say in your own words what is going on with you. The only problem with him and his office is that calls are not necessarily returned promptly and it may be difficult to get in to see him right away. If you are a new patient, you can wait a long time, or he may be closed to new patients from time to time. Hedy Straus hedy

my husband recently broke his nose/sinus in a bicycle accident, and he saw Dr. William Lewis (http://ent-oakland.com/doctors-profiles.htm#Lewis) at summit ENT (same practice as Dr. Moyce). he was patient, thorough, and calm. also, we accidentally mixed up the appointment time and came in about an hour early, and would not have been able to stay because we had to pick up our daughter, and Dr. Lewis was able to squeeze us in early, and still not seem rushed.

that being said, for sinus problems, the ''best'' is supposedly Dr. Winston Vaughan, founder of the California Sinus Institute. http://www.calsinus.com/stanford-sinus-doctor.htm my friend has seen several MD's for her sinuses, and out of her 3 surgeries, his was the least painful, and most effective (she has a fungal infection that's very hard to treat), and she highly recommends him. he has offices in san ramon and at stanford. anon

I've been a patient of Dr. Kerbavaz for about 2 years. I was referred to him by my OBGYN, in whom I have complete faith. He listened to what I said, gave me a through exam, and explained all my options. I've never felt rushed, and he answers all my questions. He doesn't try and push you into surgery or expensive procedures/tests. I'd recommend him highly. Kim

I've been a regular patient of Dr. Kerbavaz's for over 10 years, when he removed a benign tumor, and cannot say enough positive things about him, his thoroughness, willingness to answer all my questions in detail and his reassuring demeanor! He takes a traditional allopathic approach and does not get defensive when I ask about the side-effects of all those steroid nasal sprays and other meds. that I now so willingly use (I still use my neti-pot and see my acupuncturist regulary). At my annual visits we always address my chronic allergy problems and whatever cold virus I seem to have at the time. Good luck. Anon.

I've worked with Dr. Kerbavaz at Alta Bates Hospital. He's very experienced, professional and caring. You'll like him.

I have seen both and Dr. Kerbavez and Dr, Rice, and they are like night and day. Dr. Kerbavez is extremely thorough and gentle and has a great bedside manner, while Dr. Rice can be gruff. j

2006 - 2005 Reviews

Lost my sense of smell - need a good ENT

June 2006

I lost my sense of smell, and am looking for a good ENT anywhere in the Bay Area.

I really like Dr. Richard Kerbavaz, 510.845.4500, on Dwight Way in Berkeley. Best wishes. Ann

Excellent ENT for fluid in ears

April 2006

Requesting an excellent Ear-Nose-Throat specialist to see if anything can be done for an ear (adult) that has been filled with fluid, thus blocking hearing, for years. Berkeley-El Cerrito-Oakland area preferred. Ideally, ENT would take Alta Bates/HealthNet insurance. M

Dr. Richard Kerbavez in Berkeley is great, but make sure you see him. I have found that one doctor in a practice may be wonderful, but that is not necessarily true of all the doctors. I don't think Kerbavez takes healthnet, but it's worth paying for him.

2004 & Earlier

Surgery to remove tumor on parotid gland

Nov 2004

I just discovered I might need surgery to remove a tumor on my parotid gland. I would appreciate any recommendation regarding a surgeon at the Head and Neck Department of UCSF. Names of excellent surgeons in this specialty associated with other Bay Area hospitals would also be appreciated. Thanks so much. anxious patient

We strongly recommend Dr. Robert Jackler, Professor & Chair of Otolaryngology at Stanford. He is very knowledgeable, has great bedside manner and highly respected in his area of expertise. He also has a great staff. He is not a pediatric ENT but did see my daughter for a reoccuring pre-auricular cyst. She just underwent surgery with him last week and up to this point we are happy with the results. Obviously only time will tell how successful the surgery was-but we are very hopeful. Dr. Jackler feels very confident we will not have any further problems. His info: 801 Welch Road, Stanford. CA 94305. Ph: 650-723-5281 Best of luck to you. chris

More ENT Reviews

Feb 2002

Does anyone have any experience with a Dr. Wade Cartwright? Are there any other ear, nose, and throat specialists that any of you particularly recommend? Thanks, Siobhan

I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Bernard Drury in Oakland. He is a wonderful doctor with a great bedside manner. I've seen him as an adult, but often my son came with me and I could tell he is great with kids. (He has six.) He reminds me of Mr. Rogers. Deborah

September 2001

Does anyone know of an ears, nose, throat specialist, which I think are called otolaryngologist. I'm looking for someone in the Berkeley area if possible. thanks, Marsha

I just went to see Dr. Adam Marvin, who was highly recommended by a friend. I loved him -- seasoned, smart, patient. He's in San Leandro off of 580 at 510/483-3565. Nancy

I can highly recommend Dr. Andrew Moyce of Oakland. He's very professional and his staff is very friendly and helpful. Good luck.

Also recommended: Michael Lenoir

March 2001

Re: Plastic Surgery for a Cyst

I know that Dr Moyce is an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, although he may do reconstructive surgery in those areas. Lisa

Dr. Andrew Moyce performed surgery on me on March 2000. I had polyps removed from my sinus cavities and nasal passages, and he corrected a deviated septum. The surgery was successful and no complications afterward. He is very professional in manner, has a good sense of humor, and was patient with all my questions. The staff was very supportive, too. Bill