ENT for possible tinnitus

I want to get a second opinion on a recent diagnosis by my current ENT.  At my last appointment, a year and a half after I first saw her, current ENT offered a rather depressing diagnosis (which doesn't seem to fit my symptoms) and also confused me with a different patient, which didn't leave me with a lot of confidence in the diagnosis. I really want an ENT with excellent diagnostic skills, someone who is willing to consider that the sound of hooves behind them might not be a horse and instead IS a zebra.  I am not a Kaiser member.

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I'm so sorry you are experiencing what may be tinnitus. I'm going to respond with information different than what you asked for, and what was helpful for me when I had significant tinnitus resulting from a serious car accident. The ENT I saw, whom I trusted, said they don't really know what causes tinnitus and that it is likely an issue with the parasympathetic nervous system—once triggered, they don't really know how to calm it. My ENT is in Palo Alto. If that location is of interest to you, feel free to reach out to me privately.

Here's what worked for me: yoga sequences specifically designed to calm the parasympathetic nervous system (search glo.com) and four session of acupuncture (calmed both the tinnitus and chronic dizziness of post-concussive syndrome). Over time, the tinnitus went away. When it flares a bit now and then, I go back to daily or twice daily short yoga sequences designed to calm the parasympathetic nervous system until it calms.

Tinnitus can be quite distressing. I wish you relief soon.


We’ve had a hard time finding a good ENT in the SF Bayarea.  ENT’s tend to sub-specialize which means not all ENT diagnosis are covered by all ENT doctors- especially tinnitus.  I wish I could be more encouraging!  I would find an organization specializing in tinnitus and they may be able to recommend a doctor.  Also- the person who helps you may not be a doctor- maybe an audiologist or some other avenue.  Berard AIT sound retraining has helped some conditions like this- it can be costly though.  Best wishes.  


Highly recommend Jacob Johnson, MD at San Francisco Otolaryngology in San Francisco.  I have seen him for years and he is the smartest, most compassionate and communicative ENT I've found in the bay area (and I've tried many!). He's also affiliated with an audiology practice and throught that practice he can refer you to an audiologist specialising tinnitus, as well as PTs who specialize in balance issues, and so forth. Tinnitus is not always curable but there are ways to deal with it and Dr. Johnson's office is a great place to start.