Recommendation for marriage counselor

Seeking recommendations for a very good licensed marriage counselor for parents who have had issues with infidelity but want to make things work. 

Parent Replies

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I really cannot recommend Dr. Lisa Lancaster strongly enough.  My husband and I were dealing with infidelity last year and it nearly ended our relationship (a horrible, horrible prospect since we have three young children).  She was kind and so effective.  We were able to get through a really, really rough patch and I'm not sure we would have been able to without her.  She is in Berkeley near the new Safeway.  

Carol Jenkins -- (510) 845-5178 -- is a remarkably skilled couples counselor. Her compassion and calm were crucial to us as we navigated a similar situation. We came out of the work together -- and better as a couple.

For the couple who is dealing with infidelity, I highly recommend Karen Levine, MFT in Berkeley.  She is experienced working with couples around all sorts of issues, including infidelity, and is warm, grounded and practical. She is smart and insightful, and her clarity helped us sort through some very thorny issues when we went through a difficult period with our marriage. I encourage you to contact her.  Her number is 510-761-5303 and her website is

Sorry you’re in that situation. It’s just awful. Call Cindy Blackett. Her office is on Solano Ave in Berkeley. My marriage would not have survived without her help. (510) 540-5409