Personal training for 50+ out-of-shape mom

I'm surprised to be asking this as starting a fitness habit used to feel like such a simple thing, just get myself into the gym, problem solved. Now that I'm a little older, a little heavier, with a few minor health issues, I understand the hesitancy and anxiety some express about starting over again in fitness.  I checked the archive and much of it is a bit dated. What are all of us late middle age folks doing to creep back into fitness? I'm thinking of starting with a personal trainer just so I don't hurt myself and start at the right place.  Cost-effective would be nice.  How are things at the YMCA these days in Berkeley and Albany? Or should I try for a trainer outside a gym? Would love to hear about anything that is working for anyone else.  Female trainers only please.

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I am always delighted to recommend Haley Shevener (, who was recommended to me by a friend who has worked with her for several years. I’ve seen her at her house where she has a space set up in her backyard, but I believe she might also work at some area gyms. She specializes in perinatal and postnatal training & has experience working with clients across ages and stages. I went to her 18 months after my son was born after repeated failures to self-start on exercise, experiencing chronic low back pain & feeling like I needed someone to tell me what to do. With just a couple of sessions she helped jumpstart me into a routine that I’ve managed to keep up for about five months now on my own at home. Pain is pretty much resolved and I feel much stronger and fitter than a few months ago!

Dear 50+ I work out at the Albany Y four days a week. It's a wonderful facility with excellent trainers. It's well run and friendly.  It's a welcoming place for the "way past the spandex age crowd" though there are lots of younger folks there as well. There are fantastic classes from pilates to Step to Nia to TRX to barbells to Yoga.....check out Mary's Senior fitness classes. AND there are lots of wonderful personal trainers. Weight lifting classes three times a week. Weight lifting is really beneficial for building strength, preventing falls, building bone mass.  Huge range of abilities/athleticism. Some people pick up 2 lb barbells while others in the room are picking up 20 and 25 lb barbells. No judgement and it's fun! . Highly recommend the Albany Y. ( I am 76 yrs old.)


I am 60+ and last year joined the YMCA of the E. Bay (Oakland, Berkeley, Albany and other too far for me).  I very much enjoy the classes offered at Oakland and Berkeley.  While I like the proximity of the Albany gym (I can walk), it is geared exclusively to the elder and more frail.  I also picked up pickleball with Albany Rec (meet at the HS gym on Sundays and at the new courts on Thursdays) -- it is welcoming to all levels.  Sorry I can't comment on personal trainers, but I look forward to reading the responses of others.

hi!  I now work with a really good trainer who comes to my house and is super reasonable.  She charges $60. a visit which is really good.  She brings some weights with her and we work on strengthening and balance.   I asked her whether I should give out her info here but she prefers that I do it individually, so please feel free to email me for her contact info.  

Haven't used a trainer yet - I have a great physical therapist, but just joined Albany YMCA and it's fine. Affordable, relatively easy, generally the 40+ crowd. I think it was around $50/mo., no contract, etc., and you can use the Berkeley and Oakland Y too. 


I highly recommend Jessica of Truly Madly Fit ( I've been working out with her since the spring and appreciate her gentle/firm approach--she's helped me build strength and has also taught me to listen to my body to rehabilitate after some injuries. I hadn't realized how far I had come with her until I saw a candid picture of myself last week--my legs were ripped!

Jessica works out of a small private gym on the Emmeryvile/Berkeley border--occasionally there is another trainer in the space with their client, but often it's just Jessica and me. Jessica offers 45 minute sessions and hour sessions--that flexibility helps me fit workouts in my schedule. Jessica will also help you find a work out buddy if you're interested in small group sessions (it's a great money saver). I work out 1:1 with her once a week and in a group with 2 other women once a week. It's nice to have both the individual customization and the group camaraderie. Lastly, Jessica is a hoot. She's always got something to talk about and puts me at ease. I like her!

Before I found Jessica, I tried to get a trainer at the Berkeley Y but it never worked out. They just never could find someone available (I work full time). I've had my Y membership on hold since the summer and think I may give it up. I'm sad to lose access to the Y's amenities, but now that my kids no longer need swimming lessons, there really isn't much drawing me there anymore.