Midwife for delivery at Alta Bates

Looking for recommendations for midwives who deliver at Alta Bates. Bonus if you have any experience getting your insurance (extra bonus if it's an HMO) to pay for it! 

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You want to head over to Golden Oak Midwives (https://www.gomidwives.com/). Ellie and Gwen are amazing. 

They are in some HMO networks. They weren't in my network but my HMO still ended up paying for a good portion of it with my husband working with the insurance. They have a billing company that can help you with insurance.  


Highly recommend Lindy Johnson and the other midwives in her office. I recently gave birth to a large baby who arrived sunny side up. Lindy was calm, supportive, direct, and knowledgeable. I fully credit her expertise (and hints for labor/birth preparation) and careful labor coaching for allowing a healthy unmedicated birth. Her follow up care is great too. Her focus on the health of the mother throughout pregnancy and recovery is so refreshing. Call her as early as possible if you're interested in working with her.


Gwen Haynes! Now Golden Oak Midwives. My insurance (which was a PPO) didn't cover it in full unfortunately but they covered the hospital part. I received superb prenatal care and my birthing experience was exceptional. I also had an amazing doula which I feel contributed to it being as amazing as it was but for sure Gwen was a huge part of that as well.


Hey there! I highly recommend Hannah Weiss of Woom Midwifery. Hannah was my midwife, and I sing her praises every chance I get. She was an absolute rock throughout my pregnancy, labor, and postpartum—knowledgeable, grounding, sensitive, wise, loving, and very no-BS. She offers a “hybrid midwifery” service that combines midwifery with hospital birth. More info here: https://www.woommidwifery.com/integrated-midwifery Good luck!


I delivered my daughter last September at Alta Bates with Golden Oaks midwives and had an incredible experience. I will absolutely seek their care for my next child. My HMO did not cover it but I’ve heard other insurance companies might. 


I delivered my baby boy last October with Aimée Tom at Alta Bates and recommend her with the absolute highest regards. Switching my prenatal care to Aimée was the best decision I made. Her office is next to the hospital making it super convenient. You can read my review and others on her Yelp page and quickly see that everyone she has worked with has had an amazing, loving, 5-star experience. I could really go on and on about my beautiful birth experience with Aimée, so please contact me directly (this offer is open to anyone reading this) and I can tell you more via phone or over tea. You can also contact her to set up an initial meet and greet appointment to get your questions answered -- I think you'll see immediately why you want her as your midwife. Best wishes, Lisa 


I delivered at Alta Bates in January 2018 with Aimée Tom as my midwife, and I highly highly recommend her. She is smart, compassionate, and really took the time to listen to me and my concerns and talk things through with me. I never felt rushed. I had a normal pregnancy, but ended up delivering way past my due date. Those last days were stressful with so many friends and family bugging me about when the baby was going to come, but Aimée was my rock and really helped me feel at ease. I also loved her postpartum care and support. She checked in on me often to see how I was doing, and made me (almost) want to get pregnant again soon just so I could have her as a caregiver!
