Looking for an Au Pair Agency

Can anyone recommend an agency to find an au pair with a good matching coordinator? I tried Cultural Care, but the specialist ghosted me over WEEKS. Then after I signed up, I was blocked from searching and told that my child being trans, me being disabled and divorced, and having adopted from foster care were all issues to them.

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Au Pair International. It is smaller than a lot of the other agencies and I think they take better care of both families and au pairs. We have worked with two au pairs from this agency and they too have spoken positively of the agency and said they feel well cared for. The two girls we worked with have been amazing. Yes, you have to do your due diligence and interview people, be clear about your expectations, and be a good host family. We for sure met candidates who would not be a good fit for us. The agency itself is just the right amount of hands on - they are available if/when we need them, checking in occasionally, but they aren't harassing us. The communication and expectations are clear. I love that the agency creates a regional community for the au pairs - our au pair attends monthly meetings with a facilitator from the agency and other au pairs and has made so many friends this way, which is wonderful.