Hebrew Tutor?

Hi fellow BPN’ers.

I’m looking a Hebrew tutor for my 9 year old to provide after school Hebrew langue and cultural education. Has anyone had any experience finding a Hebrew tutor in this area? Any recommendations? 


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Hebrew Tutor? (Aug 4, 2020)

I recommend Judy Massarano. she lives in Berkeley, and tutored both of my kids, pre Bat Mitzvah. She has taught elementary grades at Oakland Hebrew Day School, and preschool at Netivot Shalom. She is kind, knowledgeable, and an incredibly skilled teacher. Her email is: jmassarano [at] gmail.com (jmassarano[at]gmail[dot]com).  

Hebrew Tutor? (Aug 4, 2020)

I would reach out to the Jewish schools and synagogues. Lots of people available these days. The truth is - they don't even have to be local, since everything's going to be virtual. That said, the local place I would definitely reach out to is Edah (https://studio-70.org/edah/)