Tutors & Classes for Hebrew

Parent Q&A

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  • Modern Hebrew for HS credit?

    Apr 17, 2024


    My child would like to study Hebrew for their HS language requirement.  We are at BHS.  Has anyone done this recently?  Any recommendations?? Thanks!!!

    My daughter did an online Hebrew class while at BHS. There is a daily class at CAL but getting there & back within school day was too complicated. I couldn’t find anything else at the time-6 or 7 yrs ago!

    My son (current 8th grader) wants to learn Hebrew while at BHS, too. We are looking into online options that are accredited and would love to know what you find. So far we’ve checked out Language Bird which seems great but is expensive. 

    You might try Fusion Academy on 6th & University -- I know they have a native Hebrew speaker who also teaches art!

  • Hi all, Can anyone recommend a Jewish program for kids that includes Hebrew learning? Looking for a fun, engaging experience in the Berkeley area. Thank you!

    Yes!!! My child goes to Edah in berkeley (https://studio-70.org/edah/) and it is amazing! It meets 4 afternoons a week, after school (my child gets bussed from his BUSD school) and is engaging, fun and Hebrew Infused! He comes home singing songs and speaking in Hebrew. It's the best afterschool program around! 

  • Hebrew Tutor?

    Aug 4, 2020

    Hi fellow BPN’ers.

    I’m looking a Hebrew tutor for my 9 year old to provide after school Hebrew langue and cultural education. Has anyone had any experience finding a Hebrew tutor in this area? Any recommendations? 


    I recommend Judy Massarano. she lives in Berkeley, and tutored both of my kids, pre Bat Mitzvah. She has taught elementary grades at Oakland Hebrew Day School, and preschool at Netivot Shalom. She is kind, knowledgeable, and an incredibly skilled teacher. Her email is: jmassarano [at] gmail.com (jmassarano[at]gmail[dot]com).  

    I would reach out to the Jewish schools and synagogues. Lots of people available these days. The truth is - they don't even have to be local, since everything's going to be virtual. That said, the local place I would definitely reach out to is Edah (https://studio-70.org/edah/)

  • My daughter studied Hebrew for many years in Jewish Day School. Now, she is a high school freshman and would so much rather continue with Hebrew over French or Spanish. I am coing up with nothing looking at local schools. Cal, BCC, the community colleges, GTU. JCC-type class won't meet the high school requirements. 

    Online ideas? Ideally, we would love to find that one family who actually did this with high school language! 

    Thank you for collective help and brainstorming.

    Check out Gratz College online. I looked into it for my son but he ended up taking French : )

    Good luck!

    Call San Francisco's Jewish Community HIgh School to find out if they can organize classes on the East Bay.  On the Peninsula (Palo Alto/Sunnyvale), the JCC and Kehillah Jewish High School have partnered to organize high school level Hebrew classes outside of Jewish day schools:   https://paloaltojcc.org/Beged-Kefet-Hebrew-School#English

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Seeking Hebrew language children's ''chug'' for native speakers

Dec 2013

I've been searching unsuccessfully for a Hebrew language children's after school chug, for native language speakers. My children have been here a year now, and since we haven't found Israeli friends for them to play with, their language skills are slipping, with just me to talk to. Does anyone have any leads? Thank you! My children are ages 2-10. sarah

Hi. Check out Temple Beth Hillel. Malka is a wonderful teacher and taught my daughter Hebrew. You didn't say how old your child is, but they also have a free tot class. Their phone number is: 510 223- 2560 Good luck

Looking for a native speaker Hebrew teacher

Nov 2012

I'm looking for a private native Speaker Hebrew teacher/tutor for children lessons. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!!

I recommend Avigail Ben-Gigi to you as a Hebrew tutor. She is an Israeli who has been in the US for approximately 17 years. Her English is also impeccable. She's excellent with children of all ages. She was previously a licensed family daycare provider and is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Human Development. Avigail intends to continue on to earn a Master's degree in special education. She can be reached by telephone at 510.295.7220 or via e-mail at mom2leeheroi [at] gmail.com. lab_acp

Apr 18 2008

I can honestly say that I have really enjoyed studying Hebrew with Sharone Negev. Her patience, enthusiasm, and sensitivity are exceptional. She makes learning Hebrew fun and exciting. I especially enjoyed learning to sing Hebrew songs. Sharone is a native speaker and this gives her tutoring an added dimension. Stephen M

Affordable Hebrew tutor for middle schooler

Sept 2003

My daughter has recently started middle school at Tehiyah Day School in El Cerrito and does not know Hebrew - To bring her up to par, they've asked that she be tutored once a week but offered me many suggestions for tutors, all of which charge $50 or more. Considering sending my daughter to a private school was a big decision, not to mention the expense, and i'm not exactly rich, i would like to find someone who (student, perhaps?) who would consider charging less. Any leads? thanks much! Barbara

Regarding Hebrew Teachers: A great resource are the local Midrashot (our wonderful Hebrew High Schools). Diane Bernbaum runs the Midrasha in Berkeley and Elaine Bachrach runs the one in Oakland. I believe Diane can be reached through Temple Beth El, and Elaine can be reached through Temple Sinai. A number of the kids in Midrachot speak Hebrew and although they are not much older than your child, they might make great tutors. The kids all tend to be solid, caring, responsible young people and I'm sure some would welcome the opportunity to make some additional money - not to mention their very reasonable rates.

I would also post a message to the Teen Digest, as I've found great kids to help with specific projects through that resource.

One other recommendation: both of our kids also go to Tehiyah, and our daughter worked briefly with Dr. Ariel Lencher, who is on staff at school. I can't recommend her highly enough, and if working with her is not an option, I would definitely consult with her for a recommendation. Best of luck with this daunting task, Deborah

Modern Hebrew tutor for adult

Sept 2001

I'm looking for a private modern Hebrew teacher/tutor for adult lessons. Any recommendations would be much appreciated!! AMZEL

In reply to the person looking for a Hebrew teacher, may I recommend Rutie Rosenwald - she is absolutely wonderful, a very talented teacher with both adults and kids alike, delightful and fun to work with. It might be tricky arranging a place to meet since she is in Daly City, but it's worth a try: (650)992-9072. Esther

As a current and new student to Hebrew (Biblical, specifically), I recommend very highly the teachers at Lehrhaus Judaica. Jehon Grist, who is my on-going instructor, and the Executive Director of the Center is just wonderful. Check out the website, all the classes, and various locations for classes, including Alameda Co., Contra Costa Co., and Marin Co.: http://www.lehrhaus.org/ Josh

Call your local synagogue and ask the educator. Lots of kids need extra tutoring. Also, try the Jewish Federation of the Greater East Bay and talk to Rabbi Glen Karonsky.

I can highly recommend my cousin, Jennie Bemesderfer. She is American, but fluent in Hebrew. She will be teaching at Tehiyah next year and has numerous tutees now. Wonderful with kids. (510) 527-4774

Call the Center for Jewish Studies at the Graduate Theological Union and see whether they'd post your request to their Joint Doctoral Program in Jewish Studies (Joint with UC) student list. Inbal

Summer Hebrew tutor for 2nd grader

May 2001

Friends: I'd love to be connected with a skilled tutor to work with my incoming second-grade daughter over the summer. She'd benefit from working with someone to maintain her newly acquired Hebrew skills (so she doesn't forget everything over the summer) as well as literacy skills. Best case scenario: someone coming to our home. Otherwise anywhere from Albany to Montclair would work, North Oakland area being the best. Recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Deborah

Hebrew Tutor: Ariel Lenchner, Ph.D. is an excellent Hebrew tutor who can also tutor second grade reading in English. She is the learning specialist at Tehiyah Day School in El Cerrito and also maintains a private practice in Oakland, off of Piedmont Ave. Her private practice number is 510-655-2952. Ariel is very busy, but she may have an opening this summer Kathleen

I highly recommend Rotem Migdal at 549-3656. She lives up by the Claremont Hotel. I doubt that she would be able to come to your home as she's just had a baby. She has tutored my 4th grader and is presently tutoring my 2nd grader - neither of which had ANY prior exposure to, let alone experience with, Hebrew. She's kind and supportive and my kids really like her. It's $40.00 an hour which seems to be the going rate. Tell her Henry's mom sent you. susan

I highly recommend Sharon Kaplan. Her email is: sekaplan at hotmail.com Sharon is from Israel and she lives in Berkeley.