First Steps Daycare

Berkeley, CA

No longer in business
Facility Type[?]:
Home Daycare
DSS Facility License #
013418915 [view license]
Maria (Rosario) Mariscal
rosariomariscal [at]
San Pablo Park
Maximum Capacity:
Language(s) Spoken:
Ages Served:
6 months - 60 months
About the Program:

March 2021: this daycare appears to have closed - license # was not found.

Parent Reviews

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Our daughter just turned 2 and goes to a Spanish immersion day care. Not sure how close to Emeryville you need - this is across the street from San Pablo Park in Berkeley, so near Ashby and San Pablo. We love the day care provider, Rosario Mariscal (goes by "Chayo"). She speaks only Spanish to the kids, even though some come from only English-speaking homes. I'm not sure if she will have an open spot in June, but if she does, your child would likely be the right age. Chayo speaks great English so either you or your husband can call - 510-529-5832. Good luck!


My 21-month old has been at First Steps Daycare (now commonly known as Chayo's) near San Pablo Park for 6 months.  We all love Chayo's!  My son is happy and well-fed every day, and he is learning Spanish as an extra bonus. He loves his friends there, and they spend much of the day outdoors in the park when weather permits.  It is relatively inexpensive compared to other nearby options.  The kids are fed breakfast and lunch.


My 21-month old is with Rosario (Chayo) Mariscal at First Steps Daycare ( near San Pablo Park.  We all love Chayo's!  My son is happy and well-fed every day, and he is learning Spanish as an extra bonus. He loves his friends there, and they spend much of the day outdoors in the park when weather permits.  It is relatively inexpensive compared to other nearby options.


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Sept 2006

I would like to recommend Carmen's Daycare near San Pablo Park in Berkeley. They currently have a few openings, particularly for 2-3 year olds. The program is run by a very warm and caring family. I sent my daughter there for 2 years and will be starting my 1 year old son there soon. The children learn Spanish, sing lots of songs, listen to stories, do lots of projects, are fed home-cooked lunches, and best of all, receive a lot of love. You can call: 548- 1970. And ask for Carmen, Rosario or Mari.