24 Hour Fitness

SF Bay Area

Parent Reviews

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I go to the 24 Hour Fitness in El Cerrito. It is close to North Berkeley. There are a lot of classes, especially the BodyPump class, that is a whole body workout. Here is the class schedule. https://www.24hourfitness.com/utility/classes/?clubid=00937. Sign up for a free three-day pass.


I am a member of the 24-Hour Fitness in El Cerrito and there is a personal trainer on staff there who works specifically with older members, at all levels of fitness or lack thereof. Maybe all gyms have someone like this? The personal trainers go through a lot of training to get certified, so I would think they are pretty knowledgeable. Good luck!


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Personal trainers at 24 Hour Fitness

Feb 2012

What is you experience with 24Hour Fitness in Berkeley? Can you recommend any personal instructors/trainers there? I am open to suggestion outside the club too. New Year resolution - loose 40lb. This is serious. all fired up

I know you mentioned the berkeley 24 hour fitness, but if you are open to other clubs, mary justiniani at 24HourFitness Hilltop in Richmond is amazing! She has the best personality, is inspiring, patient, and really knows her stuff! she is a master trainer and I have really enjoyed working with her. krista

Membership fees at 24 Hour Fitness

Oct 2009

So after being a member for about 10 yrs. I cancelled my 24 Hr. Fitness membership a few yrs. ago in favor of joining the local crazy expensive and fancy fitness club. Now in this economy, I'm regretting it and the super expensive fees every month and wanting to rejoin the local 24 Hr. Fitness at my former rate of $15/month. I emailed corporate who said they couldn't do anything and suggested I talk to the club manager. I looked into the deal Costco offers for a 24 Hr. membership, but it doesn't apply to the particular club I want to join as it's a Super Sport. So I'm wondering how to approach it since I'm expecting they will blow me off and try to sell me some pkg. that's twice as expensive. I've heard of people, when going to buy a new car, who just say what they want to pay and when the sales guy says it's impossible, they just write their name and phone number on a piece of paper, and say, ''Call me if anything changes,'' and walk out. Then 9 times out of 10, they get a call or the guy chases after them and they work something out. I would really appreciate any advice on how to approach the situation ie wait a few mos. when business might be slower? Thank you, thank you! cv

They have a $199 per year prepaid plan. It is $300 for 2 years. Thats a pretty good deal when you think of it. http://www.costco.com/Browse/Product.aspx?prodid=11295243

Hi. I used to work for 24 hr. fitness and know that while they try to sell you the biggest package (which is really the best deal, if you know you are going to stay with a gym--) they will end up offering you the lowest pkg.. which is going to cost you less now, but more in the long run. I worked at an ''active'' club, and our lowest was 35 a mo. (which sometimes changed to $45 a mo. depending on the season). Unfortunately, there really isn't any ''negotiation'' as the prices are set.. the customer is just given the idea that there is a negotiation and that way can feel like they ''got a deal''. There are deals that come 'round once or twice a yr., but aren't that advertised.. Example $600 for 3 yrs, but then $20 a year after that...While you might pay a big chunk up front, think of $420 or $540 a year at the lower up front cost... Make sense?? =). Weigh it out... but realize, that the system is set up for these people to be salesmen...