Twins by the Bay
Community SubscriberTwins by the Bay is a non-profit support group for parents of multiples in Oakland, Berkeley and the surrounding area. Our mission is to educate, support and assist parents in the raising of multiple-birth children. We offer support meetings for all East Bay new & expecting parents of multiples, no club membership required! These meetings happen the 2nd & 4th Friday mornings of every month from 10am-12pm & the 4th Tuesday evening of every month from 5:45pm-7:30pm. While typically our meetings would be held at Bananas in Oakland, DURING THE SHELTER-IN-PLACE, WE ARE HOLDING MEETINGS ONLINE! To RSVP and attend a meeting, see our event calendar at and click on the meeting you wish to attend.
So glad to see others recommending Twins by the Bay. There’s twice a month evening support meetups on Zoom for expectant and new parents. You don’t need to be a member to attend those meetups. Email support [at] (support[at]twinsbythebay[dot]org) to get the Zoom link. Hope to see you at one!
If you haven't already, please join Twins by the Bay, the local twins organization! The groups for expectant and new parents are very helpful. There are also always other families in the club with a toddler + twins.
Join Twins by the Bay, a volunteer led group of twin parents in the Bay Area. The pregnancy, delivery, and early years are completely different from the norm and having a local community that understands the nuanced differences of expecting and raising twins was life changing.
Congrats on your twin pregnancy!! I have an almost-6-year-old and 1-year-old twins. I recommend joining a local multiples group to connect with other twin families. We're in Twins By the Bay which has a strong East Bay presence, and I believe there is a similar org in San Francisco called SF POM (Parents of Multiples). We didn't hire a postpartum doula or night nurse, though I have heard anecdotally that a night nurse/doula for twins will cost around $60/hour, possibly more.
I recommend joining Twins by the Bay! It’s a great local organization. Things were slower for a bit due to the pandemic, but they’ve been organizing more play dates lately with local twin families. We have almost 8-month-old twins (and a 5 year old) and we’ve already benefited quite a bit from joining TBB.
Join Twins by the Bay to connect with other twin families. There are monthly playground meetups and more:
Are you a member of Twins by the Bay? I bet the parents of triplets in the group would have very good advice for you, having lived it themselves. The TBB chat would also be a great place to find the psychologist you’re seeking. We only have twins, but have found TBB to be a great resource for many years now.
If you are not a member of Twins by the Bay, you should join. It is a support group for parents, and expectant parents, of twins in the East Bay. My twins are about to turn 10 and I've been a member since I was pregnant. I've never belonged to Kaiser, but I'm sure some of the other parents in the group would be able to answer your question. Besides, it is an awesome group and an invaluable resource for parents of twins.
Best wishes,
Archived Q&A and Reviews
Feb 2007
RE: Expecting twins! support groups?
Check out Twins by the Bay: They have a new and expecting parents support group.
I'm sure you'll get dozens of replies on this one. Twins by the Bay is a fantastic support organization for parents of twins. It is run by volunteers. Their website is:
There is a support meeting every other week that meets at 9:30am in Montclair. The next meeting is Friday, Feb 9th, and then the next one is two weeks from then on the 23rd. It's for new and expecting parents, so would be a great way for your wife to connect w/ other soon-to-be twin moms and hear advice from those that have just had their twins.
In addition to the meetings, they have an equipment loaner program, volunteers that will bring a meal for a family w/ a mom on bed rest or after the birth, and you can join the yahoo email group which is similar in nature to BPN. Mom of twins and loving it!
March 2004
RE: Pregnant w/ Twins - different size?
There is a great support group for new and expectant parents of multiples called Twins By The Bay. They meet every other Wednesday from 10AM to 12:00 noon in Berkeley. The next meeting is March 24th I think. I went to these meetings after my twins were born until just recently and my only regret is that I did not go before they were born. It was extremely helpful for me. Best wishes! B. D
Feb 2004
RE: High risk pregnancy carrying twins
Do you know about Twins By the Bay? They have resources and a network for pregnant women and moms of multiples. You can find them on the internet and they are a wonderful resource. twiced blessed pregnant with twins
May 2000
My twin daughters just turned one and I feel I am so lucky to have two wonderful kids. There are several good support groups and books. The local Mother of Twins Club is called Twins by the Bay and has a web page at: There is lots of good information from other members, not to mention people trade maternity clothes, nursing shirts, and there is a great annual garage sale where you can get lots of baby stuff. J. Gray
May 2000
Yes it is possible to breastfeed twins, but it can be a lot more challenging than to nurse a singleton. You can help your sister by contacting her local Mothers of Twins club - check site for local groups and also contacts for breastfeeding issues. Also contact the La Leche League for her. If she's in the the Bay Area, there's Twins by the Bay in Berkeley, and the SFMOTC ( SFMOTC offers a number of special services to its members, including a "New Moms" group as well as an on-line discussion group. SFMOTC currently has a number of mothers with older siblings followed by twins, who may be able to help your sister through this most challenging time. Good luck, Robin
Nov 1999
Congratulations on your upcoming twins! As a father of 7 month old twins, I can tell you there are a joy. It does take work, but not twice as much, and you get more than double back. One good group is the Mothers of Twins Club, with the local club called "Twins by the Bay". Their web site is at:
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