El Cerrito
info [at] olivecater.com

Olive SF provides delicious & nutritious Mediterranean & Middle Eastern heat & serve family meals.   

Parent Reviews

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I love Kitchen Doula and Three Stone Hearth for nourishing meals in the postpartum period— both of which deliver. We also tried Olive <https://olivesfmeals.com&gt; recently and it was delicious! 

Hi and congrats! I'm also a new mom with a 4.5 mo and a 3.5 yo. Costwise, a personal chef is probably the most expensive, with prepared meals varying in price depending on where you order from. We tried a private chef once when our first was a baby but found the cost quite high for the number of meals the food provided. It was very tasty, but ultimately went a different direction. 

For local meal delivery services I've recently tried Olive SF and Jessie and Laurent, which both offer meals ala carte with no need to subscribe. You can choose as much as you want each week and can order on the weeks you need it.  I like Jessie and Laurent better and they are the service we currently use, just because I think the food variety is better, but they are both pretty good taste wise. There's also Cook Unity, which is a local service but does require you to sign up for a plan, which means you have to indicate when you want to skip a week, or it will default send you an order. I haven't tried them yet because I don't like dealing with a plan and have concerns about the meal size not being really enough for one person. 

For delivered meals that aren't local, we tried Factor and Freshly with our first baby and went with Freshly for several months. Both of these services require a plan and will send you a default number of meals based on your plan if you don't do anything.  We didn't like Factor, and used Freshly for several months. It was okay, but got very repetitive and we found the meal size wasn't enough for one person and we ended up eating 3 of their meals a day.  There is also Sun Basket, which I've heard from a parent friend was the 'best tasting' of all the delivered plans they tried.  

Good luck! 


We tried Olive after reading about it on BPN. It's so delicious!  We have a family of 5 and this is one of the few meal delivery services we've found that deliver family-size portions. The dishes serve 4-6 and they have a Middle Eastern sensibility but very eclectic. Fresh seasonal veggies take a starring role. Some recent favorites: cauliflower and goat cheese gratin, Greek-style saffron and yogurt grilled chicken, creamy cucumber-y tzatziki, vermicelli rice pilaf, meatballs in tomato sauce.  Highly recommend.