Oak Bloom OT
We did! Earlier the better - as it's much easier to wrangle through these things early. Our pediatrician at Kaiser was very supportive and we did both a SLP therapist for the feeding-related issues around textures, tastes, etc. and an OT to work through too bright, too loud, too etc. They also helped us get infinitely better sleep which improved our ability to cope with stimulus during the day. We still have stick-on blackout shades behind the blackout curtains and a noise machine in the bedroom at 6, and we notice a total difference in sleep + behavior when we don't have them on travel. Unfortunately Kaiser has become a lot more strict now and will do an eval and if it doesn't impact their ability to dress, feed and clothe themselves, or do core tasks like walking, they no longer approve OT, which has been very disappointing. Your mileage may vary based on how hard your pediatrician is willing to fight for you.
We bit the bullet and now pay out-of-network (which is what most OT providers outside KP are) and go to OakBloom OT in downtown Oakland. The whole team is really great, and they schedule 1:1 parent sessions on zoom to complement the weekly work with kids, and send detailed reports and home practice suggestions, and we've continued to make a lot of progress that really helps in school, sports and more. It's expensive, and KP won't reimburse, but we've heard some other providers like BCBS and Anthem do reimburse some, and you can use HSA and FSA dollars too.
Suggest reaching out to Lee-Anne Bloom at Oak Bloom OT. She worked with my ADHDer + sensory issues for several years on emotional regulation, sensory regulation and social skills both before and after diagnosis. We found her incredibly helpful, patient and flexible to try new things and move on when something that had been working suddenly didn’t. All the tools we learned were practical and adaptable to different situations, enabling consistency and adoption by our whole family We still use tools and techniques from Lee-Anne many years later.
I suggest reaching out to Lee-Anne Bloom at Oak Bloom OT. She worked with my child (ADHD + sensory) on similar issues for a for a few years when they were around that age. During our time with Lee-Anne, we worked on emotional regulation, impulse control, social skills, fine motor and throughout she was extremely responsive to my child needs (and ours) modifying and adapting as tools were learned (or rejected). We still use many of the tools and techniques several years later
As you pursue OT, I highly recommend you observe sessions. This helped us to understand the tools our child was learning and how we could respond to then reinforce and apply in other environments.
Oak Bloom OT in Oakland is wonderful.
I recommend trying Lee-Anne at Oak Bloom OT. She was incredibly helpful when my child (then 3 or 4, now 12 with well managed ADHD and sensory challenges) was having a number of challenges. Over several years she helped with emotional, sensory, attention and social regulation. She can also do observations and assessments to help identify any underlying challenges. You may need/want to go down the path of a neuropsych evaluation, though it’s hard to find ones that will take until about age 5-7. Carina Grandison is great and will assess on the younger side.
If you do OT, I’d recommend observing the sessions and trying to put the tools and techniques into practice and home/school/etc.
My daughter had similar challenges at that age. It was overwhelming to navigate through all the options and insurance. We did an evaluation with a developmental neuropsychologist (Carina Grandison) who was great to identify her challenges and diagnose. And worked with Lee-Anne Bloom (Oak Bloom OT — http://www.lee-anne.com/oakbloom) for several years. She specializes in Sensory, ADHD and Autism and was incredibly helpful in teaching my daughter, and us, strategies for emotional and sensory regulation, as well as social skills. It’s been 6-7 years now and she/we still use tools we learned from Lee-Anne.
We love Lee Anne Bloom: http://www.lee-anne.com/oakbloom in the Oakland Hills. She's lovely and has been great working with our son, who has sensory issues. I would also suggested asking your school for an evaluation so you can get services through the school (for free). We have found it very helpful to have both. Understood.org has really helpful information about getting your child special education services: https://www.understood.org/articles/en/understanding-the-iep-process
Good luck!
I highly recommend Lee-Anne Bloom (http://www.lee-anne.com/oakbloom) based in the Oakland Hills. Her specialties are sensory processing, ADHD and Autism Spectrum. She was amazing with my ADHDer/Sensory seeker. We worked with her for several years, starting when my child was in preschool. With her expertise, my child and we as parents, learned and were able to implement many tools to help with sensory, emotional and social regulation both at home and school. My child loved seeing her and her support made all the difference for our family and our child’s success.
I know Lee-Anne Bloom (not through her OT services, but because she was a fellow mom at our son's preschool). She's a lovely, smart, and approachable person and works in Oakland. This is her website:
You could try Lee-Anne Bloom at Oak Bloom OT. She worked with my child for almost 3 years (we even followed her from a different practice) and it was life changing for all of us. Her specialty is in sensory processing, adhd and autism but may work with others as well.
I highly recommend Lee-Anne Bloom of Oak Bloom OT. She's a Pediatric Occupational Therapist in Oakland who specializes in self-regulation (sensory and emotional). She has been immensely helpful in supporting our child with attention and sensory challenges over the past couple years. With her help, we went from regular calls from school to reports that our child is a pleasure to have in class. She has taught our child, and us, a number of tools and strategies, as well as observed the classroom and met with teachers. We observed sessions to be able to implement and reinforce at home. She's now in private practice - search online for Lee-Anne Oak Bloom OT.
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