Berkeley Covenant Church

(510) 526-8775

We are a community of ordinary people, those with flaws and gifts who seek to follow Jesus wholeheartedly in the real world. We invite you to come as you are and join us as we seek to love God with all our whole selves, love our neighbors as ourselves and be shaped by the Living God. We seek to follow the Apostolic teaching as it has come to us from the beginning. We are deeply committed to Christ and to the scriptures, our foundation. We say this knowing and celebrating the fact that the church has expressed itself in wonderful and diverse ways throughout the last 2000 years, and we strive to hold the best that each tradition brings while emphasizing places of agreement.

Parent Reviews

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We attend Berkeley Covenant on Hopkins. It's small with a community that is really engaged and very solid theology. We recite one of the creeds and pray the Lord's Prayer every week, take communion weekly, etc.