Marmoleum Floors

We really love our Marmoleum kitchen floor by Forbo. It can be used anywhere, has great colors and designs, and is easy to clean and care for. It is also environnentally friendly and pretty simple in it's makeup.


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Marmoleum installation June 2008

Can someone recommend an installer for marmoleum besides John Frick (too busy) and Anderson Flooring (too expensive)? jean

You might try Yvonne Kettels of She Custom Building, 510-520-0295. She has experience with marmoleum, is very experienced and responsible, remodels kitchens and bathrooms, among other things. Has done great work for me, friends, families from our school. TLF

Cork or Marmoleum Floors?

March 2008

Hello--We are planning a kitchen remodel and I am looking into floor options. We would like to go as ''green'' as possible and both cork floors and marmoleum have been recommended to us. I am wondering if anyone has either of these floors in their kitchen and if so how you like them? We have a toddler so we definitely need something that does not scratch easy, is easy to clean and as spill-proof as possible. I'd appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, that you may have. Thanks!

We were looking into the same options a few years ago and chose cork. Like you, we have two small children. We went and visited some homes that had marmoleum and what I didn't like about it were the seams. One house had put marmoleum in just a month or so before and the seam was already discolored and filthy looking. It looked like they had had the floor for 20 years.

We went with cork interlocking tiles and have been very happy. (actually the same pattern that was in Sunset magazine last month. Its warm and beautiful. And the best thing is that you can't see ANY spills. Its like the disappearing floor,. I was just thinking yesterday how we used to clean our linoleum floor constantly, but with cork, we just sweep every once in awhile and then clean once a week. Its fairly easy to clean. Just a damp mop with some sort of murphy's oil soap.

We've had it for 2 years now. Yes it gets a little dented under places where there are chairs, but I don't mind that at all. It just sort of adds to the patina. We got a very ''grainy'' looking pattern, so it doesn't really show. Also, we were warned about water damaging the floor and have had no problems with that. We have our share of spills, but we just clean them up within 15 minutes or so and the floor is fine. After you put the floor in, you can add an extra layer of polyeurothane and that helps with spills.

We haven't had any problems with scratching despite the fact that we have two rambunctious children. loving my cork

We installed Marmoleum Click floors ourselves in our kitchen about two years ago and would never consider anything else! I am SO happy I didn't go with my initial plan to install tile or hardwood. Our Marmoleum is smooth, doesn't scratch, and hardly ever needs to be mopped just because the surface seems to repel dirt and grease. Plus, it's comfortable on the feet. My mom copied me and has Marmoleum floors too, although she did the regular tiled Marmoleum (non-Click) in a checkerboard pattern and had to have professional installation to do it.

I bought our Marmoleum at Anderson Carpet/Floors in Oakland. Marmoleum Lover

We have marmoleum in our bathroom. It is VERY spill resistant, and fairly scratch=proof, plus you can actually sand it with sand paper to get scratches out. However, don't use it if you expect to have humidity, probably not as much a problem in a kitchen as a bathroom maybe? We have been very disappointed in the bathroom with it, because anywhere that water sits for a bit it gets mildewed. If you treat it with bleach, it fades a bit. And next to impossible to use sand paper in tight corners. We're ready to get rid of it after about 7 years. My two cents worth. anon
We installed Marmoleum floors in the kitchen and the bathroom of one house, lived there for a year, and liked them so much that we did it again in the second (and final!) house remodel: kitchen and bathroom. With two young sons and a cat, the floors got a workout but still look great. And the color choices are fun -- be bold!

Another convenient thing about Marmoleum, although with cork it might've been just as easy -- the water line to the fridge wasn't hooked up correctly so there was a terrible slow leak for weeks behind the fridge that went through the cabinet, the floor, the subfloor and down to the crawlspace. The contractor was able to peel up the Marmoleum, allow the subfloor to dry, and then stick it back down again. Thank goodness we didn't do tile or wood! JV

Have you visited the showroom at EcoHome Improvement on San Pablo near Dwight? The people their are very knowledgeable and helpful. I'm sure they'd have good information and ideas for you. anon
We also have a toddler. We have cork flooring in our kitchen and we love it! It has done more than held up: it has thrived. We have had a leak in our washing machine and while the cabinetry warped, the floor showed not one sign of water damage.

It is amazing to walk on; it ''gives'' slightly, putting a spring in your step (which in the kitchen is nice!). Supposedly, it can heal itself of slight wounds (if a knife falls on it, for example), but we have not had that experience. It cleans with a dry mop (same as wood flooring), and its pattern hides dirt.

I wish I had it in every room in the house! feel good about the planet

Both products are green and reliable, around as flooring for 50+ years. Marmoleum is natural,linseed oil based and is the same material through and through, so scratches are less noticeable. Maintenance requires a special sealer, look for a non-toxic green version of that to avoid V.O.C.s. Additionally it only comes in 6foot wide rolls so there is often a seam somewhere on the floor--get a professional and experienced installer! Cork is soft and durable, some of my clients have even installed it themselves. Either is a good decision, I'm leaning toward marmoleum for a more waterproof seal and resistance to the scratching and denting a toddler can dish out.(mine is 6 now) I also personally like the retro. look of it. But then again, cork can look wonderfully modern and simple too...I am committed to ecological home building so I think that you are making a great decision for your child and their future by choosing either environmentally responsible floor! I may have other references if you'd like more info. on green kitchens feel free to call me. Berkeley Craftsmen Builders 510 815 0125 Mark