Scientific Adventures

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16 participants

Scientific Adventures is a non-profit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area that provides hands-on, fun STEM afterschool programming for kids during the school year at many elementary schools. Our teachers are very experienced with elementary and STEM teaching methodologies. Each lesson includes effective and innovative Social and Emotional Learning elements to create an inclusive community of learners.

Visit our website to enroll in our upcoming Summer Camps:

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Congrats on your curious girl! I strongly recommend checking out Scientific Adventures for Girls (, which is based in Berkeley. I don't know their exact set up right now in terms of when/where they operate, but when our now 16-year old daughter was at Peralta Elementary School in Oakland, SAFG did an after school program one day a week that she attended and loved. They are super creative, engaging, and committed to fostering love of STEM subjects in girls specifically. Good luck!


For your second question, check out Scientific Adventures for Girls — my friend (UC Berkeley mechanical engineer) has volunteered with them for a few years now and she really enjoys teaching the girls there.


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Oct 2014

RE: Schools that offer 3-D printing classes

... An awesome Peralta mom of a 3rd grade girl created a week-long, all-girl summer camp, entitled, Scientific Adventures for Girls, at Curiosity Hacked this past August that my daughter still raves about. It was a first for a camp like this, and quite successful. Check out Curiosity Hacked and see if might pique your daughter's interest. Definitely keep the camp on file for next summer! Mom of Geeky Wannabe Girl Scientist