Running for a Better Oakland (RBO)


Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) is a non-profit organization that encourages Kindergarten-12th grade Oakland students to develop healthy lifestyles through running. By providing training and encouragement, RBO helps students build confidence and set goals, giving them tools for achievement and hard work they can draw on in all areas of their lives.

RBO strives to build a tolerant, healthy, and prosperous community. Through the discipline and rigor of a structured running program, RBO’s goal is to create new relationships, establish trust, build self-esteem, and empower students, parents, and volunteers.

Parent Reviews

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We love Running for a Better Oakland (RBO)! They meet on Saturday mornings at Snow Park in Oakland and the RBO coaches guide them through practice. While it's for kids (all ages), many parents volunteer and participate in both the trainings and the races. Not competitive at all (though they do have medals, acknowledge race winners, etc. and some of the older kids also run competitively).