The Practice Space
Community SubscriberThe Practice Space is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the SF Bay Area dedicated to building confidence and community voice through communication skill development. We provide accessible educational content and supportive practice experiences to help children, youth, and their families speak in a clear, engaging way that is true to who they are. We offer public speaking and communication classes, camps, and workshops to children and youth ages 8-18 as well as adults. Our programs help people be authentic, address social anxieties, and feel connected. We provide instruction that develops leaders who can foster equitable places to learn, engage in productive dialogue, and elevate underrepresented voices. For information, visit
You are looking for The Practice Space in Richmond, CA.
This is a unique nonprofit dedicated to the oratory arts.
They work with kids and adults. The teen programming is inclusive and welcoming. There could even be work for your child.
If you don’t see exactly what you are looking for on the website, please call to discuss your needs or ideas.
This is a great group with a particular focus on kids.
Check out the Practice Space! Youth Grades K-8 | The Practice Space (
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