Women's Circle Wanted

Hello there. I'm looking for a women's circle focused on heartfelt conversations and exploring the themes that are on our minds but that we don't always get to. I find many of my interactions are reduced to quick "Hi and Bye's" or "How are you?", "I'm fine" banter. I have a lot of wonderful friends and colleagues but I'm seeking a dedicated space to connect, discuss and offer/gain insight and support from other wise women. Thank you in advance!

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Ooohhh....I've got the right connection for you! Check out Jamie Greenwood's Homecoming circle. I'm not sure when her next group is running but she I think she's starting a new one soon. Jamie is a coach extraordinaire - she gives ever-loving, just-the-right-amount challenging, infused with humor and incredibly supportive guidance. She's based in Berkeley but the group is virtual. I participated in Homecoming a couple of years ago and it was a game changer for me. I was in a place of total overwhelm with two little kids and running my own business, and every day felt like poorly managed chaos. The group and Jamie's guidance helped me slow down in the right way. I really credit her and the other women in the group for the sense of calm that I carry through my days now (most of the time :). I got so much support and love and wisdom from the other women and we still meet every month. You can find out about Homecoming at jamiegreenwood.co. 


I would love this too! Hope someone chimes in with a suggestion.


I LOVED the Homecoming coaching circle that is led by women’s coach Jamie Greenwood. It’s a small group and we talk about everything from setting boundaries to soul care to saying no to the stresses of motherhood to feminism to self compassion. And the prompts are gold. I’m not really a woo woo person but this circle has been like the best kind of connection and therapy. Jamie is a fun, practical, thoughtful and gifted leader. It was a 6 month program - but we all got so much out of it, we decided to keep our circle going almost 2 years now! Highly recommend. Her website is jamiegreenwood.co


Great ask - I've been in a women's circle for three years and it has changed me for the better in so many ways. Nature is the theme and we cover everything from parenthood to remothering ourselves to wanting more joy and play in our lives. Check it out and enjoy! http://www.onenaturetherapy.com/


Someone else mentioned One Nature Therapy and I want to second that.  I haven't done the year-long women's circle, but I am a regular at the annual fall 3-day retreat.  It's a very nourishing reset for me each year, to be in a very supportive circle of women in nature.  There is something about having the circle/retreat in nature that really supports the deep dive of each person into their own inner world, and the circle and facilitators are great about how we support each other on our journeys.  Some years the participants choose to stay in touch and I'd love more of that, too!  The retreat is happening in a few weeks and I think there may still be one spot available - check it out!  http://www.onenaturetherapy.com/women-nature-retreat