Willard clubhouse afterschool reviews?

My daughter who will start Kindergarten in the Fall did not get into LEARNS program at Emerson. I was scrambling and was able to sign her up for Willard clubhouse afterschool program but can’t seem to find any recent reviews. If anyone has any experience with Willard clubhouse afterschool program I would love to hear more about it. Thank you for sharing in advance!

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Our daughter was at Willard last year and loved it.  She will be a 1st grader at Emerson this fall. Happy to answer further questions off line

Oh I have so many thoughts for you on this. We had this experience last year (didn’t get into learns at Emerson, went to Willard program all year). Let’s chat! Message me and we can talk about the details. 
The short of it - the Willard program is a great alternative


I noticed the Willard clubhouse is being rebuilt. Does anyone know where the afterschool program will take place?