Washer/Dryer Small house/Small family

I wondered if anyone had tried a combo Washer/Dryer -- one that did both. It seems like a good solution for our space.

Or alternatively, if you have a small Washer and Dryer set, which kind do you have and do you like it.

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We have the LG ventless washer/dryer combo, which I have been 75% happy with. I like being able to put everything in and have it be done without switching, and I like being able to use the app remotely. It's also a great space-saver. My main issue has been that you do have to do very small loads to avoid wrinkling, so I don't think it would work well for larger families or people who generate a lot of laundry (we're a small family and I end up doing 4-5 loads a week including sheets and towels). The AI feature for estimating load length also doesn't work well and results in comically long times (the first time I used it, the machine ended up running for 8 hours!). We replaced our working (but old) washer/dryer for it and in retrospect I wouldn't have gone out of my way to get one, but I might have gotten one if I needed to replace an appliance.

Yes! we got the “GE profile combo washer/dryer” from Costco. It is excellent. I think it only comes in 4.8 cu ft, which is larger than a small washer or dryer, but certainly smaller than a washer and dryer combined. I have lived in houses with extremely small washer and dryers to fit a small space, and hated how hard it was to wash/dry big stuff like bedsheets. Whereas the combo 2-in-1 has a massive volume and can wash bedsheets easily. I love that it is an electric heat pump so it recirculates air to dry and therefore doesn’t require hookup to an air exhaust or gas (you only need to pipe in water and drainage, making it much more flexible for your choice of installation spot). Also love not having to remember to move clothes from washer to dryer, it does everything in one go. Definitely read the manual if you’re used to a conventional washer/dryer because it does require slight changes to your routine, but after the changes I am very happy with it (as the person who does basically all the laundry for the household). 

Miele stacking machines, the cheapest ones. Still very expensive but ultra compact and better than Bosch. You won’t regret it. I almost did the combo machine, but decided against it after more research and experiences using them abroad. Happy laundering!