Vacation in the redwoods?

A dear friend is coming from out of state for a long weekend in July and she’s craving time in the redwoods. We were originally thinking about getting an AirBnB near Mendocino but wow, everything is very expensive. We want to be not-too-far from a town with decent healthy vegetarian food options and can head in any direction from the Bay Area. We don’t need anything fancy but aren’t looking to camp. Thoughts??  TIA!

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Fortuna! Near the Avenue of the Giants. Just came back from a long weekend there and it was incredible!


Humboldt county! 
We go to Trinidad every year since we first visited six years ago.  You can also find rentals in other towns up there and Arcata is a nice college town. 
We stay in an Airbnb but I have heard people really like Emerald Forest Cabins. 

There are redwoods everywhere and you are near beautiful Fern Canyon and Redwoods National Park. The coast is stunning. It’s further than Mendocino but well worth it. 


There's a spot in Monte Rio on the Russian River that I love. The house is under the Redwoods and it's walkable to a great beach on the river and close to Guernville, Armstrong National Park, and HWY 1. I'll tell you more about it if you're interested. Thanks!


You can always just take a day trip to Marin. Everyone goes to Muir Woods but i fyou go to Samuel P Taylor, it is literally the same woods but less busy. Also there are some in Larkspur. Maybe check that out? Marin doesn't have cheap options though. Another thought is La Honda in San Mateo. They may have cheaper options.

Hope that helps!


Have you tried looking in the Russian River area? Much closer, still has redwoods! Right in Guerneville is probably going to be more expensive (though that's where the best restaurants will be) but along the river there are a number of cute little towns to look at, and wouldn't be too far of a drive to head into Guerneville for meals.


Check out Boonville


Have you checked Hipcamp and filtered for glamping? They might have some cheaper options compared to Airbnb. Reinhardt Redwood Regional Park is a great place to get into redwoods that's close and not as crowded if you end up going with a day trip.