Updated Reviews / Francophone Charter

I'm looking for updated reviews on Francophone Charter school. We toured the facility and noticed some things we liked and didn't like. The Cons: We are less than thrilled by the campus and class sizes appear to be large. The Pros: The children look happy and the parents we met seem to be pleased with the school. The French immersion program is a huge draw for us because we want our children to be fluent in French. We're not sure if school is a good fit for our child because he is high-energy and we're worried he might get lost or left out in a class with so many kids. He's currently enrolled at EB for preschool and doing well. We really love it there but the cost of private school tuition for two children is taking a toll on our family's budget. Are there any parents who transitioned their children from EB to Francophone?  Did your children adjust well to larger class sizes? Academically, how do the two schools compare? Any information or feedback from current Francophone parents would be greatly appreciated!


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We also debated between EB and Francophone and chose Francophone, and it has worked out well so far for our kindergartener.  I think from an academic perspective they actually aren't dramatically different, certainly not different enough to justify the $30,000 price difference per kid per year.  Teacher/student ratio is definitely better at EB.  Teachers are generally newer/younger at Francophone.  Francophone just received the official French "Label" this year so that means they're going to be able to recruit/retain more experienced teachers going forward.  Both schools have plenty of wriggly kindergarten boys, and both schools are places where your kid will be immersed in French.  It just depends on what you want to prioritize.