Ummm.... donate erotica?

Some decades ago, I gave my husband a few books of erotica, with illustrations.  This is mild stuff, positive, cis, straight, no BD/SM, from Good Vibrations.  When we became parents, it all moved to the garage, where it now sits in a dusty box.

Any suggestions about what to do with it?  Any of the obvious donation options would not seem to work.  (Put it into a free library near Berkeley High? Maybe not!)  I hate to just dump it all in the recycling bin.

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Lol.  If you're not burning, recycle!  


I would drop them off at the big book bin at the El Cerrito recycling center.It is unlikely a teenager would be hanging out there and get them.There is a large selection of books there.


You can try selling them at places like Moe's, Pegasus, Walden Pond Books. They're not shy. The Bay Area is a hub for erotic literature and our used bookstores reflect that. Of course, I can't guarantee they'll take them, but if so it won't be because of subject matter.


The El Cerrito Recycling center takes books at its exchange center, where people leave what they no longer need and others take what they want. Looks like it's temporarily closed till July 1st but perhaps a few more months doesn't matter...


May I suggest offering/gifting the books to friends of yours, or on a buy nothing group? 


I think you should gift-wrap them and give them to your husband again!


If you can DM me, I would love to give those to one of my portfolio companies - the founder/CEO has a service that helps women with sexual health issues, and erotica is a core part of their offering.