OUSD TK Options - Sankofa or Emerson?
We are just starting to tour and get ready to submit our Options paperwork to OUSD for TK 2017/18. We are zoned for Sankofa, but are looking into Emerson (the next walkable TK school), & a few other schools down hwy13 that are on our weekly commute route, and where we already have a large community of friends. I am drawn to the idea of a neighborhood school, saturating our efforts into our immediate community, and being able to walk. That's why we're making a go of an urban family life after all.
I'm looking for recent Sankofa & Emerson parent and student experiences. PTO, TK, K & beyond. I've had a comfortable experience so far reaching out and getting encouraging information from Emerson. I can't say it's been positive or even organized with Sankofa. Am I missing something?
Also, I'd love to hear any experience, advice or protocol for re-optioning for Kindergarten after a TK assignment, just in case that seem best for our family.
Thank you.
Parent Replies
We know families that have gone to Emerson for TK then Peralta for K. I live less than a block from Sankofa and our daughter is at Peralta.
Last year OUSD discouraged any family outside of the Peralta district from putting it as their first choice. I don't know of any new families outside of the district that got in on the first pass, but I know many that got in from the waiting list over the summer or in the first week of school.