Teenage homeschool groups in SF

Dear BPN:

my wife and I are seriously considering home schooling our 14 year old this coming fall and we'd like to find other families we can meet & talk to and possibly have social activities with in San Francisco with but its been difficult searching on the web as most leads seem to dead-end. We saw an advert on Facebook for an upcoming home school prom but that's about it. Any suggestions, contacts &c are much appreciated. 

Thank you,


Parent Replies

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I invite you or anyone else to call the Homeschool Association of CA, I am the Phone Line Coordinator, for help. 1-888-HSC-4440. You are also welcome to attend one of two free talks I am giving April 26 at 1 and May 10 at 6pm at the San Jose Bascom Library regarding if homeschooling is for you. Feel free to contact me directly as well, I can help you with resources and how to find your people.

Library info:

1000 S Bascom Ave
San Jose, CA  95128