Summer Vacation to Vancouver
We are planning a camping trip up to Vancouver (where we will stay with friends) and Vancouver Island. Looking for recommendations on activities to do on the drive up with 7 year old and teenagers (driving up 101, stoping in Portland for a day or two on the way up and Seattle on the way back). And places to camp on Vancouver Island. Thx!
Jan 30, 2018
Parent Replies
Just a quick recommendation: While in Portland, take a ride in what our kids affectionately call "the egg"! It's fun even if you are just passing through Portland, as it goes right over I5. It's cheap, memorable, and offers fabulous views of the city.
I haven't been but I heard Tofino on the island is amazing!
We currently live in Vancouver with our two kids (5.5 and 1.5) and would be happy to recommend any number of family-friendly summer activities. We’re moving to the east bay this coming summer, hence my being on BPN. As this is my first post/reply on BPN, I’m assuming there is a way for you to PM me. Feel free to so that if you’d like and I can help with any number of summer recommendations. It is a magical place in the summertime and we plan to return to visit every summer if we can!