Summer Camps Mixed Age Groups

Does anyone have recommendations for summer camps near El Cerrito that are open to kids as young as 4 AND combine the age groups together? My 4-year-old needs a couple weeks of camp and I'd love for him to be with his 6-year-old brother (7 in July). 

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I think Monkey Business Camp does this.


When my sone was still 4, he attended Growfit camp in Berkeley. That would be mixed age for sure and your kiddos could be together. He had fun, and the owner is very nice. Also, camps at Little Tree Montessori (across from Tassajara) might go down to 4yo I believe, so that could work. We attend after care there and did a camp last summer. 


iFlip next to Costco in Richmond takes those age groups. Our son enjoyed the camp there, but their costs have gone up unfortunately.