Stretch Class??

I'm not overweight but am out of shape from years of sitting at work and need to stretch out my sore muscles. I do walk for cardio but want to be able to focus on the whole body (and do not like swimming or 'exercise' classes where the point is cardio/getting all sweaty).

I've tried even a 'beginner' yoga class but it was really hard physically, I'm looking for a class that's yoga-esque but really more about stretching the body - any out there? Thanks in advance wise BPN community.

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Stretch Class?? (Mar 8, 2018)

Recommend Albany YMCA - the little Y that could and can and does! - and work with one of their many personal trainers. Sue is particularly experienced in working with people with physical problems. The Albany Y is reasonably priced and your membership actually extends to the all the YMCAs in Northern California:  ie; San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Sonoma, etc.   The front desk staff are wonderful folks who would be happy to talk to you about membership, etc. 510-525-1130  It's great that you are so motivated to improve your health with exercise. Good luck. 

YMCA Albany
921 Kains Avenue 
Albany, CA 94706 
(510) 525-1130

Stretch Class?? (Mar 8, 2018)

This isn’t a live class, but if you’re Ok with following along with an online streaming video I highly recommend Essentrics (also known as Classical Stretch). They offer a very reasonably priced monthly streaming video service, and after their gentle yet rigorous stretching workouts I feel 2” taller and SO much more limber and comfortable in my body. 

Stretch Class?? (Mar 8, 2018)

Perhaps try "yoga for everyone" which is on Sundays at 4:30 at Mountain Yoga (in Montclair). It is not too strenuous. The hardest thing is probably downward dog.