Spanish Immersion School for Adults in Mexico?

I'm thinking of doing a 3 week Spanish immersion program. Does anyone have any recent experience with Spanish Immersion School in either Oaxaca City or Puerto Escondido? Or any other program that you'd recommend. I'm a solo woman traveler, so advice on this specifically would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

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Not recent, but I spent two months in Oaxaca City in 2008 and attended Solexico. I don't know if the school is still there, but it was centrally located, had great teachers, and fun events. I was only supposed do attend for the first month but ended up staying almost the whole time because of my experience.

I did weekend trips to Puerto Escondido as well as Puerto Angel, so those are options as well if you want to stay in the city.

Good luck and have fun!

I loved Instituto Cultural de Oaxaca. It was a very friendly and welcoming program and a good diversity of ages and life experiences of students. They also had a great cooking class!!  I was there about 15 years ago though so things may have changed but I loved it!

I had an excellent immersion experience at Anders Language School in Cuernavaca, outside Mexico City earlier this year. 1:1 tutoring. I was beginning Intermediate and did their 6-hour program for 7 days. You study and stay in a large house with a few other students. For me it was a perfect blend of group interaction and personal time in my own room (as opposed to staying in a hotel or with a host family). The teachers are all wonderful, patient, and engaging and the house staff are lovely. After that I spent a week in Mexico City using my Spanish and being a tourist in this fascinating city. Solo woman traveler hoping to return!