Snoo Repair Advice

Hi all,

Our used snoo started showing signs that it was breaking down after about 4 weeks of use. Luckily our daughter was able to sleep without the motion, so we used it as a bassinet until she was big enough to sleep in a crib. After doing some preliminary searching I couldn't find a great snoo repair option in the Bay Area, and I'm hoping someone has a recommendation. Fingers crossed that it's not too big of a cost to fix!

Thanks for any advice/help! 

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Snoo Repair Advice (Oct 19, 2024)

I'm sorry your Snoo is malfunctioning so soon, but I'd say that if your baby is sleeping without the rocking, that's terrific! Adding rocking back into the routine would be a step backward. For the baby and you, this is a big win! I'd see if they will repair it, but then just enjoy it as a nice bassinet. :)

Snoo Repair Advice (Oct 19, 2024)

I had a lot of success with a repair kit purchased from Snoozy Mama Sleep Solutions and their helpful how-to videos. Dependin on what the issue is, that might be a good place to start