Self-defense course for teen girl

Hello, I'm looking for a self-defense course for my 13-year old daughter. Archives are 10+ years old. I see a lot of recommendations for Impact Bay Area, which looks good, but does not have many times/dates available. Any other recommendations? This could also be a sport that teaches defense skills. 

Thank you! 

Parent Replies

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My kids and I did one through KidPower years ago and it was pretty good - looks like they are not offering one currently, but you can organize a group and have them come teach:

Terri Giamartino from Emeryville Martial Arts did a StreetSmarts program at our library last month that was really well-received. The dojo teaches kids, teens and adults - it might be worth seeing what they have coming up.


I'm a parent of 3 kids (ages 17, 14 and 9) and we attend Studio Naga, located on San Pablo Ave on the Emeryville/Oakland border.  I'm one of the instructors who runs self defense classes there.  We focus on setting personal boundaries, street smarts, and physical strikes and would love to see your teen in our groups! If you're interested please contact to the studio to find out when the next available class is. 510-652-6242 (NAGA)