Seeking Mandarin Immersion Daycare/Preschool

I've seen a few posts from 2021 and earlier, but wanted to ask this question again to see if there are any new places that should be on my radar. 

Any recommendations for a Mandarin immersion daycare for an 18mo, located in Oakland, Emeryville, or Berkeley? I've found a few options, and have Winnie pulled up, but I wanted to hear what daycares you've had great experiences with! 

Thanks for your recommendations -- 


Parent Replies

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We’ve been at Didici ( for almost two years now and absolutely love it. We don’t speak Mandarin ar home and our daughter has still learned a ton. Plus, Joy, the owner, is familiar with a lot of other resources for Mandarin for older kids since her son is now 4.5. 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
