Child with IEP declining academically - tutor?

Hello, As a parent of a child who is struggling with math, reading, and writing, I am seeking advice and assistance from other parents in finding a suitable tutor. My family and I immigrated to the United States two years ago, and my child is currently receiving support through the IEP program at school. However, despite attending a special day class, my child's academic progress has significantly declined since our arrival in the US. We are hoping to find a tutor who can provide additional academic support and help our child succeed in school. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated..

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Given that your child already has an IEP and is placed in a special day class, I would look for an educational therapist vs a tutor- ed therapists are more highly trained in supporting the specific learning needs of kids with disabilities.  I don't have personal experience but one option in Oakland is Strategies for Learning.  

I agree, educational therapist! 
My child is working with Amber Taylor for math. She’s very skilled and was a sped teacher before becoming an Ed therapist. But it is virtual. Not sure if that’s a match for you. 

Amber Taylor-Garrett Ed Therapy

tayloredlearningexp [at]