S-Anon meetings in/near Berkeley?
Does anyone know of an s-anon group (or similar) in the area? My husband watches porn several times a day and has been going to sex workers for years (which I have discovered and re-discovered several times), and I need some support.
I know there are zoom groups, but I'm looking for something local, in-person. The s-anon sites show the closest one is in San Jose. It doesn't have to be s-anon. I want to feel less alone and have a safe group of people who understand what going through this is like. Thanks.
Jul 5, 2023
Parent Replies
I am sorry you are going through this. What a difficult situation that has, unfortunately, become all too common.
I have two close friends who have been in similar situations. 12-Step groups were not helpful to them (co-dependent model can be viewed as victimizing partner participant). Here are resources that were helpful to them (model that acknowledges trauma to partner participant):
That said, I've been in 12-step family groups for another issue for many years. I have found them helpful as one thread in my vast web of support. Whatever supports you find that work for you, I wish you understanding, comfort, and better days ahead.
COSA is a 12-step program for partners of sex addicts/people with compulsive sexual behavior. https://cosa-recovery.org/meetings/online-meetings/
There are local (SF & East Bay) in-person and hybrid as well as online (zoom) meetings. https://cosa-recovery.org/meetings/locations/local-meetings-in-californ…