retirement resources
Looking for recommendations to help my parents (mid-60s) plan for and adjust to retirement. They are both very identified with their jobs and struggle to imagine what retired life could look like that is as fulfilling as their long careers have been. They are likely to keep working until physical demands and/or industry changes force them to stop. I don't think they have a ton of money saved, which likely factors into their situation. Wondering if anyone has recommendations on books, podcasts, or even therapists or support groups that could help with the transition. I've always thought of retirement as an exciting and freeing time but both my parents are approaching it with a lot of resistance and hesitation. Thanks in advance for your kind suggestions.
Parent Replies
As a retiree who is very busy with immensely satisfying activities, I cannot imagine relying on my adult offspring - be they ever so well-meaning - to help me "adjust to retirement".
First of all, from what you have written, I don't see any compelling reason why your parents would need to retire, if they enjoy working.
Depending on the circumstances - assuming that they are not, for example, federal park rangers being forcibly dumped by Elon Musk - many employers would be willing to orchestrate a ramp-down in hours worked per week..
If your parents are "very identified with their jobs", perhaps they can continue to practice what they do in some way, if not as part-times, then as mentors or volunteers.
If they "don't have a ton of money saved", perhaps they can parlay their skills into starting a business, or consulting.
These are just some thoughts. If what they are doing works well for them, don't try to fix it.