R & S Garage Doors - yay or nay


I'm thinking of hiring R & S Garage Doors (out of San Leandro) to replace my old manual garage door and install an opener. Does anyone have any recent positive or negative experiences with them?

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We used them a couple of years ago and they were fine.  Nothing memorable to report but they got the job done and the price seemed fair.  


I have personally used the R and S company 7-8 times over the past 11 years and have always found the employees to be very competent in their workmanship. I have also recommended the company to friends and they have been pleaded with the work.


I should clarify my previous regarding R and S Garage Doors as I wrote having hired the company many times over the past few years. The reason for the hirings was not for one door but several of them as I own rental property and the garage doors there needed service.


I have used R&S three times. Once to fix the door when it got stuck, once to change out our motor to a quieter model, and once to replace a part. Maybe it’s time to change our garage door but R&S has kept it running all these years! We have had very good experiences with them. The techs were very nice and professional and got the job done.