Pride in Learning Montclair (and/or other infant centers)

Hi - I'm trying to get information on Pride in Learning in Montclair. Posts here are older, their social media presence stopped in 2020/21, and their website is under construction. Does anyone have a child there now, especially a baby, who could share your experience?

I'd also very much welcome information on other centers or in-home daycares that accept babies (4-6 months) that are close to Rockridge (Chabot Elementary adjacent). We need care starting next summer and I know how challenging it can be to find a spot. 

Thank you!

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Hi! I do not feel super qualified to answer this, but seeing no other replies yet, I'll add what I know. PIL Montclair and PIL Lake Merritt used to be under the same joint ownership. My kids go to Lake Merritt; we have never been to Montclair, but I am familiar with the director currently at Montclair (if it's still Dara) having known her while the two centers were combined. We sent our kids to PIL when they were infants and I had no concerns. And Dara herself is kind, caring, and professional--wonderful person, no concerns. Now, the only thing I would give a heads-up about in my experience is the back-office admin person, who can be a bit overbearing and tone-deaf in her communication. But thankfully this is just a person that you email back and forth with and don't have to interact with often. I do not know if that person is still there; the centers have been split for about 2 years now I would estimate. I hope this helps!