Piedmont Ave Elementary updates?

Does anyone have recent updates from Piedmont Ave Elementary?   It's our neighborhood school and I am so, SO concerned.   I know that scores aren't a complete picture, but it's hard when there's not a lot else to go on.    Any current families willing to share their experiences?   

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Hi, I’ve had kids at piedmont Ave for the past three years- I’ve volunteered in my kids classes weekly. We moved my kids to a private school and are very happy with our decision.

The main impetus to leave Piedmont Ave is that my son was repeatedly getting hit/kicked/punched/threatened at recess by the same few kids and we felt like nothing was really being done to prevent it (I know there are huge staffing issues at recess/lunch!!). I know they would talk to the offenders and have “restorative” conversations, but it just kept happening and I’m not sure there was the recess staff or lunch staff to proactively prevent this.

From my weekly classroom volunteering, I noticed that the classes I volunteered in each had a handful of super disruptive students who would, eg wander around the class while the teacher was talking, repeatedly talk/shout over the teacher, constantly touching or annoying other students, etc and it just seemed like some really disruptive behavior was allowed to just happen during the class. I’m not sure what the right answer is on how that should be dealt with.  I suspect that some level of disruptiveness may be from students who are quite far behind what’s being taught and may act up for that reason.

Although piedmont Ave was not the right fit for my kids, I got to know many families whose kids were SO happy there and were there through 5th grade, very happily. The teachers and staff are completely devoted to the community, and there is a real community vibe. There is low teacher turnover. These are all amazing attributes that may make piedmont Ave the right fit for your family! 

Last note- I was nervous when my kids first started that it wouldn’t be the right fit and then what? But you can always try piedmont Ave and if it doesn’t work, enter the lottery for another ousd school or whatever. I know a few families from Piedmont Ave that did that and it worked out fine! So try not to stress too much ;)

Hello! It's our neighborhood school too and our son will go to TK there. No updates yet. It's hard because I keep seeing friends whose kids are going to other Oakland TKs get communication from their respective schools. Just waiting...... feel like it's getting close though.