Piano teacher for competition?
Hello! My 6-year old son enjoys learning piano and performing - he works hard for recitals and wants to keep practicing. I am looking for a recommendation for a piano teacher that will push him harder than his current one. She is a wonderful woman that fosters his love for piano, but she often complains that he chats her up during their lessons and that she needs to keep assigning more difficult and complicated pieces to keep his interest. I believe that a stricter teacher with a goal and a timeline might be a better fit for his personality and style of learning (which is very different than my other kids' personalities). I'm looking forward to your recommendations!
May 8, 2024
Parent Replies
I don't know if they are taking new students, but two excellent teachers that fit the bill are Alyona Marenchuk and Elizabeth Dorman (https://www.elizabethdorman.com/). You could also call a local music school (e.g. Crowden) and tell them what you are looking for. They should be able to match you with an appropriate teacher. Happy playing!