Physical Therapist Recommendation for Tennis Elbow
Can someone recommend a good PT for tennis elbow? I've had this problem for about 4 months and just finished 8 sessions with a PT. I wasn't too happy with the care I got and would like to find another PT who is more engaging and will produce better results. My preferred location is Berkeley/Oakland, but would be willing to travel further if necessary. Thanks in advance!
Oct 8, 2020
Parent Replies
I've had excellent results for long-standing problems with my knees and a troublesome elbow glitch seeing David Weinstock at Neuro Kinetic Therapy in Corte Madera. Take a look at his website to better understand how he works. Can't recommend him highly enough!
I went to Pro+Kinetix Physical Therapy & Performance in Oakland and they were absolutely AMAZING! I'm a runner and have seen countless physical therapists for a variety of different injuries and no one has been able to help me like these guys did.
Like you, I wasn't happy about the care that I got at these other clinics either. Seemed like I was spending more time with the assistants than I was the actual physical therapist and just coming in doing exercises I was already doing at home.
This was a totally different story when I was going to Pro+Kinetix. The entire session was an hour long with my physical therapist and each time I came in we were doing different exercises and/or progressing off the ones I had done before. Can't recommend these guys enough!
Their website is below if you want to check them out: