Pediatric Neurologist Specializing in Epilepsy

Does anyone have a recommendation for a pediatric neurologist (preferably one that specializes in epilepsy)? Our 10 month old son was recently diagnosed with myoclonic epilepsy at UCSF (Oakland) following an EEG monitoring of seizure activity (that happened to coincide with a fever). Understanding UCSF is a strong practice, we want to do our due diligence and connect with other doctors and practices to determine our best path forward. Thank you so much in advance for any recommendations.

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First off, I’m so sorry you’re going through this with your baby. I’m the mom of a 14mo boy who was diagnosed with epilepsy at 2mo old. We see Dr. Roxanne Simmons at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in Oakland and would highly recommend her. She’s smart, compassionate, and always makes sure we are informed and aligned with decision making. My experience with UCSF is that you are first assigned to a general neurologist, and if your son’s epilepsy is resistant to 1 or 2 standard medications, then they will refer you to an epilepsy specialist. 

Please get in touch if you want to discuss further- I am more than happy to connect.