PDA or FND support group?

hi, we have a 10-year-old with PDA who has recently developed FND. Both conditions seem to be poorly supported by schools and our doctors. We would love to connect with other families experiencing either of these challenges to learn from your experiences. Do you know of any supportive groups? Do we need to start our own? 

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PDA = Pathological Demand Avoidance, if so, following, and you are not alone. I'm not familiar with FND. If this is like Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, UCSD has a program.


FND = Functional Neurological Disorder. 


Check out We Get It Foundation. They have several local chapters.



Hi, our teenage daughter is PDA and we would be very interested in joining a support group of you were to start one. We find that many therapists and school staff don’t even know what PDA is, much less how to work with it. 

I haven't found any local, in person support groups, but I regularly listen to podcasts from At Peace Parents, which I very highly recommend. They will be offering a 3 month online support/coaching group for parents with PDA kids that will start in September. 

Please post if you decide to start a support group because I imagine there are plenty of families who would benefit from one.