Newly diagnosed celiac teen - seeking nutritionist/ coach

We are a family with a 15 year old daughter who was just diagnosed with celiac. She is a gregarious, socially adept and independent-minded kid and I am looking to find someone who can meet with her weekly to help her understand how to take care of her body, check in and advise about food choices, provide recipes and ideas for delicious alternatives, and support her in staying within strict boundaries of diet. We’d love someone who specializes in celiac for teens but in reality the fit of the coach/ nutritionist/ dietitian will be more important. Ideal candidate:

  • Has worked with teens in any capacity; is a teen whisperer
  • Can be firm while retaining respect; will not be intimidated by teen behavior and can hold boundaries and show love
  • Can make clear the necessity and seriousness of the condition without eliciting fear and instead demonstrating the benefits and empowerment that taking control and being responsible for her health can provide
  • Someone who understand the serious nature of the condition but maintains their sense of humor and is able to keep perspective in the grand scheme; that can use humor and sass to guide compliance 
  • Has understanding and empathy for teenage girl pressures and can work creatively to find solutions 
  • Our daughter’s best relationships with adults that have garnered her love and respect have been with BIPOC men and in cursory searches of nutrition care this demographic seems underrepresented so encourage any teen whisperers in that demo. 

Also looking for a meal service that has celiac-friendly organic foods. 

Thank you so much for any and all ideas!

Parent Replies

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My 8 year old was also diagnosed with celiac through Stanford and their dietitian did not seem knowledgeable about children or celiac so I don’t recommend that - they also do not offer any counseling or support or have anyone they refer out to. We are switching over to UCSF and I have heard they have an excellent social worker for celiac kids. Maybe that would be a place to start.  There is also a Facebook group called San Francisco Celiac Kids Teenagers and Families that might have some ideas. And a general FB group called parents of gluten free and celiac kids where you can ask about recipes and replacement foods and other issues. Our family likes cooking a lot of Thai food - once you get gluten free soy sauce and oyster sauce most recipes do not need any other substitutions.