New House Blessing Ceremony?
I didn't know I was so new-age, but here we are with a new-to-us home that I would like to have some sort of ritual or blessing for, as we settle in. Not religious, definitely don't want to do a smudging as that is not our heritage, but something else meaningful??? Any ideas or is this too out there even for Berkeley??
Feb 5, 2025
Parent Replies
When my family moved into our home, I got a these spell kits from HausWitch - I found it really soothing and nice way to mindfully transition to a new space.
Hope this helps!
Copied some excerpts from the book Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration, and Change. We found it at the library!
Greeting/Imaging Ritual: I lost the intro text, but copied the excerpt I have. Essentially, you slowly and mindfully walk through your home and do an imagination exercise, both of the house's past and your future. You can also do a similar closing ritual at your old home.
3. The Kitchen: Enter the kitchen and pause. This is where you and many others will be nourished and fed. Notice the oven, the stove, the refrigerator, the sink, perhaps a place that has already fed many people. Now, imagine the many more meals to be made here.
As you greet the kitchen, ask yourself: Who will be nourished here?
4. The Bedroom: Stand at the doorway of your bedroom. Envision yourself tucked into your bed after a long day. This is a room for resting, dreaming, mak. ing love, reading a book, sleeping. As you greet this new bedroom, ask yourself: Can I let myself rest here?
Keep Going: Everyone's home is different. Keep greeting your home and all of its many parts, taking in its personality and story, and imagining what kind of home you want it to be.
Start with an object from your last home or neighborhood. Maybe you lived near a beach, so it could be a shell you collected. Or a stone from the driveway or even the old key from your last apartment. It doesn't have to be monumental but just an object that carries a memory of where you've just come from.
Find a central place in the home. This could be the mantel on the fireplace, a prominent windowsill, or on the ledge next to the stairs.
As you place the object there, it can become the cornerstone for your new home. However, betore placing it, remember its story. Why is this object important to you? Where did it come from? Why did you decide to keep it? If you are alone and it feels strange to speak out loud, write these stories down. This object and its story will be the beginning of your home's first altar.
Let this spot be a place that collects other important objects during your time in this new home. As you live there, this altar can be a gathering place for other precious possessions that you acquire, find, or are gifted while living here.
Since this is an altar of stories, your objective is to learn and remember all you can about what lives on this altar: Where did it journey from, what is it made of, who made it? This isn't just a place of things, its a collection of living stories.
As guests come over, you can introduce them to your altar of stories. Make tea, sit with them, and share or let them ask you questions about what lives on your altar.
In this way, you have a place in your home where you can practice remembering and telling these stories.
Oh no! I'm almost out of characters. Basically, you take some earth from your old home (maybe a garden patch or nearby park) and find a place to mingle it with new earth from your new home, for example in a clay pot or garden bed. Hold the earth, take a breath, smell it, maybe tell a story of your old home. Let others participating do the same. Then, mingle it with the new home's earth. Maybe plant something in that spot? Breathe. Pause. Can conclude with a blessing: "We are brand-new here. We don't know the place, the land, our neighbors very well at all. May we love our new home by learning it well."
Smash a champagne bottle against the house. Done.