Nanny raise with preschool transition

I’m wondering how folks navigate nanny raises when kids are transitioning to more school. We normally offer a $1-2/ hour raise per year. This year our youngest will be in preschool two mornings a week. We have agreed to keep our nanny’s minimum hours, but it does means she will be paid for a few hours she is not with the kids. We don’t plan to ask her to do any more than she already does outside of childcare, folding kids clothes, tidying tidy play area. So this will essentially be her time unless preschool is closed, kids sick, etc. on that day. Do we still give the same raise? 

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Hm... I feel that they should perform work if they're being paid. We gave our nanny a raise and the nanny agreed to and was happy to do laundry -- folding and putting away clothes, dishes, and other organization projects. The nanny was great at cleaning but hated cooking. She enjoyed cleaning, so that is what she chose to do. It was amazing! Are there household tasks that the nanny can help with? We also asked nanny to take kids to routine shots, dentist visits, haircuts, etc. It was very nice not having to take time off for appointments. 

If you like the nanny and you are planning to keep her, and you can afford it,I’d give her the expected raise, and discuss with her with a list of other tasks she could do. My kids are grown, and nannies are tremendously expensive but in the total scheme of child raising its a brief period and I’m happy I kept our nanny happy.